Vocabulary & Grammar - trang 11 Unit 7 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 11 mới

Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Vocabulary & Grammar - trang 11 Unit 7 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 11 mới ...

Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Vocabulary & Grammar - trang 11 Unit 7 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 11 mới

1. Complete the following crossword puzzle.

Giải câu đố ô chữ dưới đây.


1. a specific ability to do something

2. a student who is undertaking a college or university programme to get a first degree

3. a pass of an examination or successful completion of a course


4. relating to a job that needs special education and training

5. an amount of money offered to a student to help to pay for their education

6. related to studying at college or university, as opposed to practical work

Đáp án:

2      Use the words from the crossword puzzle to complete the sentences. Change the word form, if necessary.

Sử dụng các từ từ câu đố ô chữ để hoàn thành câu. Thay đổi mẫu từ, nếu cần.

1. One of the reasons for Vietnamese students' studying abroad is the quality of the ________ programmes in higher education.

2. Most of these students are interested in pursuing________ studies for bachelor's degrees.

3. Some students decide to study in the United States or the United Kingdom to improve their language________ , which can help them to get a better job.

4. Some universities in the United States offer different________ to international students to help to cover tuition fees and living costs.

5. The higher education ________ gained at UK universities and colleges are recognised worldwide.

6. Universities must better prepare students for their ________ careers.

Đáp án:

1 academic

2. undergraduate

3. skills

4. scholarships

5. qualifications

6. professional

3      In each sentence there is one verb which is in the wrong tense. Find the mistake and correct it. Write the correct sentence in the blank.

Trong mỗi câu có một động từ đang ở thì sai. Tìm lỗi và sửa lỗi. Viết câu đúng trong chỗ trống.

1. I have been applying for a vocational scholarship three times.

2. We have just been attending a seminar on further education.

3. How long have the two international students been knowing each other?

4. I started the course two weeks ago, but I have already been passing most of the tests.

5. The academic year has just started and I have lived in the halls of residence so far.

Đáp án:

1. I have applied for a vocational scholarship three times.

2. We have just attended a seminar on further education.

3. How long have the two international students known each other?

4. I started the course two weeks ago, but I have already passed most of the tests.

5. The academic year has just started and I have been living in the halls of residence so far.

4. Complete the following sentences with the present perfect or present perfect continuous.

Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây với thì hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

1. A: Can I have a look at the glossary of study terms?

B: Just a minute. I ............ (read) it myself.

2. A: Let's go to the meeting with the international students this weekend.

B: I'd love to, but I ............ (not finish) my assignment yet.

3. A: You look so happy! What's up?

B: I  ........... (receive) an offer for a summer internship in Japan.

4. A: You look tired!

B: I  ............. (search) for information about higher education all morning.

5. A: Your room is in a mess!  .............. (look) for something?

B: My wallet. I think I  ............. (lose) it somewhere.

Đáp án:

1. have been reading

2. have not finished                     

3. have received

4. have been searching

5. Have you been looking; have lost

5       Rewrite the sentences, using the words given and the present perfect or present perfect continuous.

Viết lại các câu, sử dụng các từ đã cho và thì hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

1. Nam's still studying English. He started studying it two years ago. (for)

2. He attended two online vocational courses: one in 2012 and the other in 2013. (twice)

3. The British Council established IELTS a long time ago. It still uses this test as an international standardised test of English for non-native English language speakers, (for)

4. The university started building a new campus in May. They are still building it. (since)

5. Mary is staying at a homestay during her undergraduate programme. The programme began three weeks ago. (for)

Đáp án:

1. Nam has been studying English for two years.

2. He has attended online vocational courses twice.

3. The British Council has been using IELTS as an international standardised test of English for non-native English language speakers for a long time.

4. The university has been building a new campus since May.

5. Mary has been staying at a homestay for three weeks during her undergraduate programme.
