10/05/2018, 10:21
Tổng hợp những câu hỏi thường gặp khi phỏng vấn xin học bổng
Dưới đây là tổng hợp những câu hỏi thường gặp khi phỏng vấn xin học bổng. Chuẩn bị tốt các câu trả lời trước khi phỏng vấn sẽ giúp bạn tự tin hơn đấy. Bạn nên sắp xếp những câu sau theo các mục lớn để dễ dàng trả lời như sau: A) Your background B) Your field of study, C) Your career path ...
Dưới đây là tổng hợp những câu hỏi thường gặp khi phỏng vấn xin học bổng. Chuẩn bị tốt các câu trả lời trước khi phỏng vấn sẽ giúp bạn tự tin hơn đấy. Bạn nên sắp xếp những câu sau theo các mục lớn để dễ dàng trả lời như sau: A) Your background B) Your field of study, C) Your career path D) Why [school] name E) Leadership F) Character G) Beyond Graduation H) Extra-curricular activities .

- How are you a good manager?
- How do you deal with confict?
- What activities in Duke would you participate in?
- What are the obstacles for Vietnamese companies to build strong brands?
- Walk your resume focusing on leadership/ Introduce yourself
- What is your post-MBA plan?
- Why MBA?
- Why [school name]?
- What do you see yourself doing 5 years in the future? Why?
- Tell me about a time when you saw the solution before someone else?
- Tell me about a time you overcame a problem/took initiative.
- Tell me about a time when you had to interact with people in a difficult situation.
- Tell me about a time you observed good or bad leadership, either in you or someone else.
- Did you ever have a bad manager that wasn’t doing well. What did you do?
- What are your strengths?
- What are things you need to improve on?
- Tell me about something you have done because you were curious
- Whats unique about you that you can contribute to the [school] community? Some drill-down questions.
- Have you failed before? give me an example when you failed?
- What motivates you?
- What is your most significant accomplishment?
- Key skills/qualities that enabled you to accomplish these things?
- Is there anything you wished I would have asked you that I didn’t?
- Know what types of leadership style(s) you exhibit and be prepared to provide examples of situations where you exhibited those styles
- Tell me about a time you had to make a decision, how did you make it
- Tell me about a course in your undergrad that you considered influential
- Tell me about a good leader you have observed/worked for? What made him good? Some follow up questions on what makes a good leader.
- What’s the last book/movie you read
- What was your biggest obstacle?
- What characteristic a leader need?
- What film you like to watch?
- What is your passion?
- What is another special things abour yourself?
- Would you describe the situation in which you were criticized?
- Describe an ethical dilemma faced at work?
- What are the pros/cons of your style?
- In what way do you stand out from your peer group?
- Describe a situation where you have worked as part of a successful team. What role did you play?
- How you can contribute to the program and class? Why you think we should choose you? Why u chose marketing?
- Your career path? STAR (situation, task, action, result)
- Describe some of your projects?
- Tell about country branding program/business situation in VN? How do you like/ dislike your job?
- What would be your ideal job?
- What was the most difficult decision you ever had to make?
- In what way do you stand out from your peer group?
- Describe yourself as a leader in a specific situation? What were your biggest challenges?
Your leadership style? - Which events or activities represent turning points in your life ( i.e., when you changed direction)?
- What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from it? Singapore govt scholarship: unaware of social and political issues.
- What fear have you overcome? (How and why?) so young and had never run a business myself. Overcame: knowledge & confidence & respect.
- What do your friends most like (and dislike) about you? Helpfulness, sense of humor. Dislike: dont think dislike. We may be different we respect the differences.
- What are the four or five key words that would describe you? What on your list demonstrates this? Helpful, Creative, Ambitious, Charismatic.
- What do you want to do in free time? Your hobbies?
- What do you consider your biggest fault?
- What are the most valuable lessons you’ve learned from past work experiences?
- Which of the skills you’ve picked up at the positions listed on your resume here, do you feel will best translate into this position and why?
- Describe a problem you encountered at one of your jobs and how you handled it?
- What do you do to relieve stress?
- EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Why you took part in such activities? Most memorable experience?
- Do you have any questions?
- What would your colleagues miss least about you?
- When was your belief challenged
- What are your strongest abilities?
- What skills would you be bringing to the classroom?
- What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses?
- What does “success” mean to you?
- What does “failure” mean to you?
- What are your three major accomplishments?
- What kinds of people do you enjoy working with?
- What kinds of people frustrate you?
- In the past year, what have you been dissatisfied about in your performance?
- What can you tell me about your past bosses? Dont talk bad anybody. If there is nothing good to say, just dont say it.
- Which is more important to you: money or the type of job?
- What have you learned from your activities in college?
- What qualities should a successful manager possess?
- What two attributes are most important in your job?
- What major problem have you encountered and how did you deal with it