Test yourself C - Unit 9 trang 111 tiếng Anh 11

Test yourself C - Unit 9 trang 111 tiếng Anh 11 Listening to the conversation: (Lắng nghe cuộc trò chuyện.). ...

Test yourself C - Unit 9 trang 111 tiếng Anh 11

Listening to the conversation: (Lắng nghe cuộc trò chuyện.).


I. Listening

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Listening to the conversation: (Lắng nghe cuộc trò chuyện.).

1.g              2.b            3.e                   4.f           5.d       6.j

7.h             8.k             9.c                    10.a         11.i        


R: Good morning. Father & Son Ltd. for Sales press one. For Account press two. For enquirees. please hold.

Dona: Father & Son Company, thank you for calling. This is Donna speaking. How can I help you?

Georgia: Hello, my name is Georgia King. I'd like to speak to Jon Barnes, please. Dona: Sorry. What name is that?

Georgia: It's Georgia King speaking.

Dona: Oh. I'm afraid Mr. Barnes isn't here at the moment. Can I take a message? Georgia: Well. I'm returning his call. He left me a message to call him.

Dona: OK. Can you hold on, please... The line's busy ai the moment. Can you call Mr. Barnes back later?

Georsia: I'm... Can I leave a mcssage please?

Dona: Oh. just a minute. I'll pm you through to one of his colleagues...

II. Reading

Read the passage and answer the questions. (Đọc kĩ đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. What do people in Spain and Portugal often do before midnight on New Year’s Eve?

-> They gather before midnight and select twelve grapes from a large bunch.

2.  Why do the Spanish and Portuguese people eat twelve grapes on New Year’s Eve?

-> Because the twelve grapes are symbols of the twelve months of the year.

3.  Where in the world is the New Year’s Day called No-Ruz?

-> In Iran.

4.  How long does it last ?

-> It lasts for thirteen days.

5.  What do people usually do on No-Ruz?

-> They read from the Koran, then all embrace each other and say. "May you live 100 years!"

III.    Pronunciation and Grammar

a. Have a look at these words and then listen to them.

1. glean        2. Fry            3. Thrive             4. overthrow

b. Join the sentences, using who or which.

1. The Earth is a planet. It can support life.

-> Earth is a planet which can support life.

2.  The book is about a girl. She runs away from home.

-> The book is about a girl who runs away from home.

3.  A dictionary is a book. It gives you the meanings of words.

-> A dictionary is a book which gives vou the meaning of words.

4. The man and the woman who live in flat 8 are from Scotland.

c. Matching

1.c                2.b                      3. a

IV. Writing

Read the cues and then write a paragraph on what they like and don't like about our Tet holidays. (Đọc những gợi ý và sau đó viết một đoạn văn về những gì họ thích và không thích về Tết của chúng ta.)

Before Tet:

clean and decorate the house buy peach flowers, kumquat trees buy things: sweets, candies,...

During Tet:

cook traditional food(s) so to pagoda or church visit relatives and friends

Typical foods:

banh chung (square sticky rice cake) fruit jams

The weather:

cold and wet                                                                                                                                                   

Tet is one of the most important traditional holiday in our country. It celebrates the Lunar New year. Actually Tet starts on the first day of the lunar year, however people always prepare well for it in advance. The house is usually cleaned and decorated with flowers, kumquat trees or peach flowers. People usually buy sweets, candies, biscuit... and prepare traditional food: "banh chung”. In Tet holiday, people visit relatives and friends. They also go to pasodas or churchs. Children are very happy in that time because they usually receive lucky money inside red envelopes. Both children and adults take part in traditional games. People usually are polite to each other because they want to have good luck on New Year's Day.

Tet holiday is the time people always expect in the year.