Speaking - Unit 9 trang 99 Tiếng Anh 12

Speaking - Unit 9 trang 99 Tiếng Anh 12 Work in pairs. Check the trees and animals that you think might exist in a desert. Explain your choice. ...

Speaking - Unit 9 trang 99 Tiếng Anh 12

Work in pairs. Check the trees and animals that you think might exist in a desert. Explain your choice.


   Task 1: Work in pairs. Check the trees and animals that you think might exist in a desert. Explain your choice. (Làm việc từng đôi. Chọn cây và thú em nghĩ có thể tồn tại ở sa mạc. Giải thích sự chọn lựa của em.)







date palm










   A. What trees and animals do you think may exist in a desert?

   B. The trees I think may exist in a desert are : cacti and (hummock) grasses because they can stand the severe climate there.

   A. OK. What about animals?

   B. No animal can live in such a extremely severe climate, I think. Very hot during the day and very cold at night.

   Task 2: Wort in pairs. Find out many natural features of a desert as possible. Then compare your notes with Other pairs’. Use the cues below. (Làm việc từng đôi. Tìm nhiều đặc điểm thiên nhiên của một sa mạc càng tốt. Sau đó so sánh những ghi chú của hai em với ghi chú của các đôi khác. Dùng những từ gợi ý dưới đây )

   - climate                     - plants/trees                 - soil

   - rainfall                     - animals                       - seasons

   A. Let’s talk about the natural features of a desert.

   B. OK. The main thing we can find in a desert is sand, only sand.

   A. As for trees or plants, we can find few kinds of plants and grass, no trees. They are cacti or hummock grasses

   B. The frightening feature of a desert to man is its harsh climate: hot and dry with very little rainfall, but too much hot sunshine.

   A. As a result, very few people can be seen there except for in oases.

   B. In sum, no beings can exist in a desert for long because of lack of water and food.

   Task 3: Work in groups. You are going on an expedition across a desert with some of your friends. Discuss and choose the five most important things you should bring along with you. Explain your choice. (Làm việc từng nhóm. Em dự định thực hiện chuyến thám hiểm băng qua sa mạc với một số bạn của em. Thảo luận và chọn năm vật quan trọng các em sẽ mang theo. Giải thích sự chọn lựa của em.)

   - a knife                            - a gun                          - a horse            - food

   - a box of match                 - a car                           - a camel            - a blanket

   - water                             - a mosquito net               - a cell phone      - a Walkman

   A : What should we bring with us?

   B : First of all, I think we should have camels. We can’t use a car because there are no petrol stations in a desert and we can't store enough petrol for a expedition.

   C : Next we should bring enough food, maybe canned food, and water as there are no shops and water in a desert.

   D : The fourth thing is knives in case we run out of water, we can use them to cut cacti for water.

   A : And the last thing I think we should bring with is boxes of matches, to make fires at night to warm or signals.

   B : OK. In my opinion these things are necessary for us in the expedition.