Speaking - trang 9 Unit 1 Sách bài tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 11 mới

Tổng hợp các phần bài tập trong phần ...

Tổng hợp các phần bài tập trong phần

1. Trang is asking Giang about her family. In pairs, practise reading their conversation aloud.

Trang đang hỏi Giang về gia đình bạn ấy. Theo cặp, thực hành đọc to cuộc hội thoại.

Trang: Do you live in a nuclear or an extended family?

Giang: I only live with my parents and my older brother. My grandparents live in their own flat nearby.

Trang: Is there a generation gap in your family?

Giang:Not really. My parents are very youthful in their personality and appearance. They are also very understanding. But sometimes I come into conflict with my brother.

Trang:What do you argue about?

Giang:Actually, my brother and I just argue about trivial things such as whose turn it is to do the washing-up or clean the floor.

Trang:Are there family rules in your house?

Giang:Yes, we had a discussion and agreed on 10 rules. My mother had them printed on a large-size sheet of paper and stuck it on the door of my bedroom. I can see the rules whenever I want.

Trang:Do you want to follow in your parents'footsteps?

Giang:I don't think so. As an accountant, my mother is very good with numbers, but I'm not. I like travelling and outdoor activities, so I want to become a tour guide.

2. Summarise the information about Giang and practise talking about her to a partner. Use the guide questions below.

Tóm tắt thông tin về Giang và thực hành nói về cô ấy với một người bạn. Sử dụng các câu hỏi hướng dẫn bên dưới.

What type of family does Giang live in? Who does she live with? What are her parents like? Is ther generation gap in her family? What do Giang and her brother often argue about? Does she want to foil in her parents' footsteps? Why /Why not?

Gợi ý trả lời:

Giang lives in a nuclear family with her parents and an older brother. There isn't a generation gap i her family because her parents are very youthful in their personality and appearance. They are als very understanding. There are family rules in Giang's house, but sometimes she and her brother argu about trivial things such as whose turn it is to wash up or clean the floor. Giang doesn't want to be a accountant like her mother. She likes travelling and outdoor activities, so she wants to become a tour guide.

3. Work in pairs. Practise asking and answering the questions in 1.

Làm việc theo cặp. Thực hành hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi trong bài 1.

Các học sinh thực hiện phân vai, hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi.

4. One of your close friends is having an argument with his / her parents. Read his / her problems ar give him / her advice, using the structures in the Useful language box.

Một trong những người bạn thân của bạn có một cuộc cãi cọ với bố / mẹ của mình. Đọc các vấn đề và cho anh / cô ấy lời khuyên, bằng cách sử dụng các cấu trúc trong hộp Ngôn ngữ hữu ích.

Gợi ý hướng dẫn:

I think you should have a serious talk with your parents and tell them what you think.

I don't think you ought to follow in your parents' footsteps.

Tôi nghĩ bạn nên nói chuyện nghiêm túc với bố mẹ và nói với họ những gì bạn nghĩ.

Tôi không nghĩ rằng bạn nên theo bước chân cha mẹ bạn.
