Speaking – Unit 6 trang 69 SGK Tiếng Anh 11, Which competition/ contest do you like or dislike? Put a tick (V) in the right column....

Unit 6: Competitions – Những cuộc thi – Speaking – Unit 6 trang 69 SGK Tiếng Anh 11. Which competition/ contest do you like or dislike? Put a tick (V) in the right column. A. SPEAKING Task 1. Which competition/ contest do you like or dislike? Put a tick (✓) in the right column. Then ...

Unit 6: Competitions – Những cuộc thi – Speaking – Unit 6 trang 69 SGK Tiếng Anh 11. Which competition/ contest do you like or dislike? Put a tick (V) in the right column.


Task 1. Which competition/ contest do you like or dislike? Put a tick (✓) in the right column. Then compare your answers with a partner’s.

(Cuộc thi nào em thích hoặc không thích? Ghi dấu (✓) vào cột bên phải. Sau đó so sánh các câu trả lời của các bạn cùng học.)

Type of competition/ contest



General Knowledge Quiz


English Competition


Art competition (painting, drawing, sculpture…)



Poetry Reading/ Reciting Competition



Singirtg Contest



Athletics Meeting (running, jumping…)



Trả lời:

Type of competition/ contest



General Knowledge Quiz


English Competition


Art competition (painting, drawing, sculpture…)


Poetry Reading/ Reciting Competition


Singirtg Contest


Athletics Meeting (running, jumping…)


Task 2. Work in pairs. Ask your partner how he/ she feels ahom each type of the competitions /contests in the Task 1.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi bạn cùng học của bạn, anh chị cảm nghĩ thế nào về mỗi cuộc thi ở Task 1.)

Useful language


– opportunity to test my general knowledge


– good time to practise my English

good fun

– opportunity for my creative activities


– makes me feel sleepy


– makes me cheerful/feel happy


– good chance for my physical training

Trả lời:

1. A: What do you think of the General Knowledge Quiz?

B: Oh, it’s great. It’s an opportunity to test my general knowledge.

2. C: What do you think of the English competition?

D: Oh, it’s interesting. It’s a good time to practise my English.

3. E: What do you think of the Art Competition (Paiting, Drawing, …)?

F: Oh, it’s good fun. It’s opportunity for your creative activities.

4. G: What do you think of the Poetry Reading/Reciting Competition?

H: Oh, it’s boring. It makes me feel sleepy.

5. I: What do you think of the Singing Contest?

K: Oh, it’s wonderful. It makes me cheerful/feel happy.

6. L: What do you think of the Athletics Meeting (Running, Jumping, …)?

M: Oh, it’s exciting. It’s a good chance for my physical training.

Task 3. Talk about a competition or contest you have recently joined or seen. Use the suggestions below.

(Nói về một cuộc thi đấu hoặc một cuộc thi mà gần đây bạn đã tham gia hoặc xem. Sử dụng các gợi ý dưới đây)

1. Where and when did you see or take part in it?

2. What type of competition or contest was it?

3. Who organized it?

4. Who participated in it?

5. Who won the competition/contest?

6. Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not?

Trả lời:

Last month I took part in an English Competition in District 5. The competition was about telling stories in English. It was held/ organized by the Education Department of Ho Chi Minh City.

There were 15 representatives from chosen schools participating the competition. The contestant from Nguyen Tat Thanh High School won the contest and got a nice prize with English books.

I was sorry that I wasn’t successful, but I enjoyed it very much because it was a good time for me to practise my English speaking.

van vinh thang

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