12/01/2018, 16:09

Speak - Unit 9 trang 76 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Speak - Unit 9 trang 76 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Check (x) what preparations you think should be made for a typhoon. ...

Speak - Unit 9 trang 76 SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Check (x) what preparations you think should be made for a typhoon.


a) Check (x) what preparations you think should be made for a typhoon. 

(Đánh dấu (x) vào những sự chuẩn bị mà bạn nghĩ là cần làm trước một cơn bão.)


Bying some canned food


Painting the house


Buying a dog


Buying candles


Buying matches


Hiring some video movies


Filling all buckets with water


Buying a ladder


Washing your blankets


Fixing the leak in the roof


Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes


Inviting some friends over for a dinner


Checking all the window and door latches

Trả lời:


Bying some canned food


Painting the house


Buying a dog


Buying candles


Buying matches


Hiring some video movies


Filling all buckets with water


Buying a ladder


Washing your blankets


Fixing the leak in the roof


Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes


Inviting some friends over for a dinner


Checking all the window and door latches

b) Now work with a partner. Talk about what you think you uant to buy find do for a typhoon : explain why. The ideas in the box may help you. 

(Bây giờ thực hành với một bạn cùng lớp. Nói về thứ mà bạn nghĩ là bạn muốn mua và cần làm để chuẩn bị trước cơn bão: giải thích tại sao. Các ý trong khung có thể giúp bạn.)

The market will be closed and no food will be available.

There may be a power cut.

The water pipes may be damaged by the typhoon.

There must be strong wind blowing.

Big trees may fall down.

It will be raining hard

Trả lời:

A: I think we should buy some canned food before a typhoon.

B: Yes, I think so too/ I agree with you. The market will be closed and no food will be available.

A: I think we should buy a ladder.

B: What for/ Why?

A: Just in case we need to fix the roof because there will be hard rain. And we should tie up the roof to the ground since there must be strong wind.

B: I agree with you. Why don't we buy some matches and candles for there may be a power cut.

A: That's my idea, too. And we should fill all buckets with water.

B: That's right because the water pipes may be damaged.

A: Finally, I think we should check all the window and door latches for the wind may be very strong.
