Read - Đọc - Unit 16 - Trang 151 - Tiếng Anh 8

Read - Đọc - Unit 16 - Trang 151 - Tiếng Anh 8 Read the following poem about inventions. ...

Read - Đọc - Unit 16 - Trang 151 - Tiếng Anh 8

Read the following poem about inventions.

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Read the following poem about inventions.

1. Match the headings to the verses.

Verse 1                   a. Instrument invented by Alexander Graham Bell

Verse 2                   bAppliances that cook food

Verse 3                   c. Appliances that clean or dry things

1. Ghép các tiêu đề với các đoạn thơ

Verse 1: Appliances that cook food.

Verse 2: Appliances that clean or dry things.

Verse 3: Instrument invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

2. Fill in each of the gaps in the sentences with one ‘invention” in the poem.

a)  “Joan, where’s the (1)_________ ? I want to clean the floor.”

b)  Last night I was reading in the bedroom when the (2)______ rang. It was Ann, an old friend I didn’t see for more than twelve years.

c) A (3)_________ is a kitchen appliance that automatically washes, rinses, and dries dishes and utensils.

d)  “Jane, why don’t you put the meat in the (4)_________ to defrost it?”

e)  “Can I borrow your (5)__________ ? I've just washed my hair.”

f)  The Romans knew how to toast bread over an open fire two thousand years ago. We now toast bread with a (6)___________ on the table.

2. Điền vào chỗ trống trong những câu dưói đây bằng một “phát minh” trong bài thơ trên

a. “Joan, where's the vacuum? I want to clean the floor.

b. Last night I was reading in the bedroom when the telephone rang. It was Ann, an old friend I didn't see for more than twelve years.

c. A washing machine is a kitchen appliance that automatically washes, rinses, and dries dishes and utensils.

d. "Jane, why don't you put the meat in microwave to defrost it?

e. “Can I borrow your hairdryer? I've just washed my hair.

f. The Romans knew how to toast bread over an open five two thousand years ago. We now loast bread with a toaster on the table.