24/05/2018, 22:55

Organization of notice boards

Internal communication is essential in ensuring the production is going well and any problems are addressed and solved immediately. One of the most important measures which helps to enhance internal communications in the factories where other ...

Internal communication is essential in ensuring the production is going well and any problems are addressed and solved immediately. One of the most important measures which helps to enhance internal communications in the factories where other common means of business communication such as email or telephone are not available. This also helps to make workers feel that they are fairly treated by the managers.

Prospective users:

Factory and line anagement need to be involved in developing and maintaining the system of information boards in the factory. In addition, the involvement of workers in using the system of information boards in a proper way.

This practice can be applied to all kinds of factories.

ProblemS addressed

  • Lack of common business communication means in the industrial production sector.
  • Lack of information sharing and bad communication among employees
  • Bad communication adversely affecting productivity and quality
  • Worker complaints and dissatisfaction


To improve the internal communication in the factory, it is necessary to develop a system of information board. This kind of information boards must present key information related to the workers and the production progress they are involved such as new policy or regulations, appraisal notice or internal events.

Steps in implementation

  • Set up notice boards at the public place in the factories where workers can gather to gether to get information about the factory, production or themselves.
  • Information boards should be placed convenient place for workers, for instance near the tea-break place, so that workers easily see the information while resting during break time.
  • Boards must be updated regularly. Old materials should be removed when they are out of date. Keep the board neat and tidy and attractive so that workers want to read it.
  • Information boards should be divided into different major sessions such as Labor Safety, Quality Control, Operation or Production, or Creative Ideas for Improvement. Quality Policy and/or Environment Policy should be attached. (See Good Practice Guide #?? for more information)
  • Part of the information board can be used to post information regarding the incentives to whom have a good performance. This could be a very good use of the information board to encourage the workers to try their best at their work.
  • Information on the boards should be made simple, short, easy to understand and attractive to attract workers to read and understand. The use of attractive image or photos of the events of the factory should be a good way of presenting information.

  • Efforts of HR staff and line managers
  • Information boards and space to hang them.
  • Human effects requires to keep the information up-to-date, especially for HR staff and line managers
  • Difficulty to implement in a working environment where managers do not want to share information.
  • Better communication in the factories
  • Workers are more happy
  • Easy to know incurred problems to fix
  • System of bulletin boards setup and used
  • Information on the bulletin boards is up-to-date
  • Workers understand major factories policies, regulations and key update information.
  • Worker satisfaction survey

Funding for the Factory Improvement Programme is provided by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and the United States Department of Labor.