Listening- Unit 11 trang 123 môn Anh 12, Work in pairs. Your partner has just read an interesting book. What questions do you ask him / her to find as much as possible about the...

Unit 11 : Book – sách – Listening- Unit 11 trang 123 Tiếng Anh 12. Work in pairs. Your partner has just read an interesting book. What questions do you ask him / her to find as much as possible about the book? LISTENING ❖ Before You Listen Work in pairs. Your partner has ...

Unit 11 : Book – sách – Listening- Unit 11 trang 123 Tiếng Anh 12. Work in pairs. Your partner has just read an interesting book. What questions do you ask him / her to find as much as possible about the book?


   ❖ Before You Listen

   Work in pairs. Your partner has just read an interesting book. What questions do you ask him / her to find as much as possible about the book? (làm việc từng đôi. Bạn cùng học của em vừa đọc một quyển sách hay. Em hỏi anh/ chị ấy câu hỏi gì để tìm hiểu về quyển sách càng nhiều càng tốt)

   *  Have you read any book recently? ; * What’s the lille of the book?

   *  What’s the sort of the book?              ; * Who’s the author?

   *  What does the book tell about?          ; * What’s the plot?

   *  What of the book interests you most? : * What can you gel from the book?

Listen and repeat

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   ❖   While You Listen

   Listen to a woman talking about the book dial she has just read and đo the tasks that follow. (Nghe một phụ nữ nói về quyển sách bà  ấy vừa đọc và làm bài tập kèm theo.)

   Task 1: Circle the correct answer A, B or C. (Khoanh câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

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   1. The title of the book is           .

     A. Canadian Wilderness

     B. The Incredible Journey

     C. Sheila Burnford

   2. The book is about   .

     A. a Canadian family

     B. three Canadian friends

     C. three animal friends

   3. Where does the Canadian family go?

     A. To visit a friend who lives 300 miles away.

     B. To England.

     C. To the Canadian wilderness.

   4. Why do the animals leave the friend’s house?

     A. They want to find their owners.

     B. They want to know how to survive life in the wilderness.

     C. They were not well treated by the friend.

   5. What is the central theme of the book?

     A. How the animals can survive life in the wilderness in order to get home.

     B. How to resolve an animal problem.

     C. How to take care of other people.

                  1. B              2. C              3. B                4. A               5. A

   ❖ Tapescript

  I recently read The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford, a book about three animal friends who travel across the Canadian wilderness looking for their owners. It is a fascinating story that describes some of the incredible things animals can do.

   When a Canadian family goes to England for a long trip, they leave their three pets with a friend who lives 300 miles away. Though well treated by the friend, the pets miss their family. One day, they are also to leave the friend’s house unnoticed and begin the long journey to find their owners. The central theme of the book, a problem the animals must resolve, is how to survive in the wilderness in order to arrive home. They never could have completed the journey alone, but they take care of one another, and all the three make it and are reunited with their owners.

   Each animal has a distinct personality, but they care for one another almost as if they were a family. The most impressive of them is the old dog. The journey was the most difficult for him. but amazingly he found the sưenaih to make it.

   The author didn’t try to turn the animals into people, speaking and acting like humans. Instead, she was faithful to her characters as animals and showed us their journey through animal eyes. That made the book interesting and unbelievable.

   I would like lo recommend to anyone who likes animals. I think that anyone who has ever had a pet or wanted one would enjoy it.

   Task 2: Listen again and fill in the gaps in the passage. (Nghe lại và điền các chỗ trổng ở đoạn văn.)

Click tại đây để nghe:


   Each animal has a distinct personality, but they care for one another almost as if they were a (1)………….. The most impressive of them is the old dog. The journey was the most difficult for him. but amazingly he found the (2)…….…… make it.

   The author didn’t try to turn the animals into people, speaking and acting like (3) ……….. Instead, she was faithful to her characters as animals and showed us their (4)……………..through animal eyes. That made the book interesting and unbelievable.

   I would recommend the book to anyone who likes animals. I think that anyone who has ever had a (5) …………..or wanted one would enjoy it.

         1. family            2. strength         3. humans        4. journey           5. pet

   ❖ After You Listen

   Work in pairs. Ask and answer the question “Would you like to read books? Why /Why not?”  (Làm việc từng đôi. Hỏi và trả  lời câu hỏi” Em thích đọc sách không? Tại sao thích / Tụi sao không?”)

   A. Have you ever read a book?

   B. Yes. Quite oftcn. I really like reading books.

   A. What’s your thought of reading books?

  B. Personally, reading has in all time and in all ages been a source of knowledge, of happiness, of pleasure and even of moral conscience.

   A. Can you explain it more explicitly?

   B. Of course. Good books can he said the treasure of distilled wisdom of centuries. To read means to become wiser. Moreover, in this modern world with so much more to know and to learn, the importance of reading has increased. It is not excessive to say a wise reader is a better conversationalist to see the other point of view because he can stand on his ground. In a word, reading broadens the vision, and the horizon of knowledge. It is also in a way a substitute for travel.

   In brief, reading can contribute to the growth of understanding and help one to see the present in relation to the past and the future. And thus it can develop a historical perspective.

   A. So it’s very useful and advantageous to read books

   B. Sure. There’s no doubt about it.


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