Listening – Unit 2 trang 27 SGK Anh 11, Look at the picture and say what is happening in it. (Làm việc theo nhóm. Nhìn hình và nói điều gì đã xảy ra ở...

Unit 2: Personnal Experiences – Kinh nghiệm cá nhân – Listening – Unit 2 trang 27 SGK Tiếng Anh 11. Look at the picture and say what is happening in it. (Làm việc theo nhóm. Nhìn hình và nói điều gì đã xảy ra ở đấy.) LISTENING Before you listen Work in goups . Look at the picture ...

Unit 2: Personnal Experiences – Kinh nghiệm cá nhân – Listening – Unit 2 trang 27 SGK Tiếng Anh 11. Look at the picture and say what is happening in it. (Làm việc theo nhóm. Nhìn hình và nói điều gì đã xảy ra ở đấy.)


Before you listen

Work in goups. Look at the picture and say what is happening in it.

(Làm việc theo nhóm. Nhìn hình và nói điều gì đã xảy ra ở đấy.)

Trả lời:

In the picture, we see:

–  a house is on fire.

–  The fire brigade is ftshting to put out the fire:

–   And people are running  away with the firemen’s help.



Click tại đây để nghe:


Interviewer: This is Radio 3. In your “Unforgeitable Experiences” programme toniaht we talk to Christina, welcome to our programme.

Christina: Hello and thank  you! It’s nice being with you tonight.

Interviewer: Christina, could you tell our audience about. The most memorable experience in your life?

Christina: Well, my most unforeeitable experience happened thirteen years ago, when my house burned down.

Interviewer: Really? How did it happen?

Christina: The fire started in the kitchen where I forgot to turn off the gas stove.

Interviewer: What were you doing at that time?

Christina: I was sleeping when I was suddenly woken up by terrible heat. I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by walls of fire.

Interviewer: That’s terrible! Hem did you escape?

Christina: I was terrible. Then I heard my mother’s voice calling my name. I rushed to her. She carried me out. Luckily, I got away without even a minor burn.

Interviewer: Not many people are so lucky. Did the fire affect you in any way?

Christina: Oh, yes. Yes, very much, in fact. Although I lost many things in the fire, the experience helped me to grow up.

Interviewer: What do you mean?

Christina: Well, before the fire. 1 was selfish. 1 always complained to my mother about how small my room was, or hem few clothes I had. Then the fire came and destroyed everything we owned. But I slowly began to realize that I didn’t really need my old things. I just needed my family. After all, you can set new clothes anytime, but a family can never be replaced.

Interviewer: I see, so the fire took many things from you, but it give you something, too.

Christina: Exactly, It taught me to appreciate my family more than things.

Task 1. Christina is being interviewed about the most unforuettable experience in her life. Listen to the interview, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Christina đang được phỏng vấn về một điều đã trải qua không thể quên trong cuộc đời của cô ấy. Nghe bài phỏng vấn và sau đó quyết định những câu nói đúng (T) hay sai (F)).

  T F

1. Christina is a businesswoman.


2. The fire happened three years ago.

3. The fire started in the bedroom.    
4. When the fire started, Christina was reading a book.    
5. Her mother came and rescued her.    

Trả lời:

  T F

1. Christina is a businesswoman.


2. The fire happened three years ago.

3. The fire started in the bedroom.    x
4. When the fire started, Christina was reading a book.    x
5. Her mother came and rescued her.  x  

Task 2. Listen to the second part of the dialogue and fill in the gaps in the summary of Christina’s stop, below.

(Nghe phần hai của bài đối thoại và điền những chỗ trống của bài tóm tẳt câu chuyện của Christina dưới đây.)

Click tại đây để nghe:


Although I lost many things in the fire, the experience helped me to grow up. Before the fire, I was selfish. I always complained to my mother about how (1)_____my room was or how few clothes I had. Then the fire came and destroyed (2)______we owned. But slowly I began to realise that I didn’t really need those tilings. I just needed my (3)______. After all, you can set new clothes any time, but a family can never be (4)______. The fire (5)______many things from me, but it gave me something, too. It tauaht me to (6)______my family more than things.

Trả lời:

1. small                   2. everything                        3. family

4. replaced              5. took                                 6. love


Christina says that family is more important than things. Do you agree with her? Why? Exchange your ideas with a parner.

(Christina nói rằng gia đình quan trọng hơn đồ vật. Bạn đồng ý với cô ấy không? Tại sao? Trao đổi với một bạn học của bạn.)


I agree with her because family is important. You can get back things you’ve lost, but when you lose your family, you lose everything…

Nguyễn Minh

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