Language focus - Unit 9 trang 103 Tiếng Anh 12

Language focus - Unit 9 trang 103 Tiếng Anh 12 Exercise 1: Add so or but and a comma where appropriate. (Thêm so hoặc but và dấu phẩy nơi thích hợp.) ...

Language focus - Unit 9 trang 103 Tiếng Anh 12

Exercise 1: Add so or but and a comma where appropriate. (Thêm so hoặc but và dấu phẩy nơi thích hợp.)


   -   Pronuncỉaion : Full and contracted forms of auxiliaries

Reading the following phrases

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Practise reading these sentences

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   - Grammar: So, but, however and therefore

   ❖ Grammar

   Exercise 1: Add so or but and a comma where appropriate. (Thêm so hoặc but và dấu phẩy nơi thích hợp.)

   1. I didn’t have an umbrella…………….I got wet.

   2. I didn’t have an umbrella………………I didn’t get wet because I was wearing a raincoat.

   3. The water was cold……………I didn’t so swimming.

   4. The water was cold……………I went swimming anyway.

   5. Luan’s directions to his house weren’t clear………………Binh got lost.

   6. The directions weren’t clear…………….Binh found Luan’s house anyway.

   7. Her friend lied to her ………………..she still likes and trusts him.

   8. Her friend lied to her………………..she doesn’t trust him anymore.
      2. but    3. so    4. but    5. so    6. but    7. But      8. so

   Exercise 2: Underline the correct alternative in the following sentences. (Gạch dưới từ thay thế đứng ở những câu sau.)

   1. Dan didn’t study for the exam, however/but Lan did.

   2. You could fly via Vienna; but/however it isn’t the only way.

   3. They have lived next door to us for years, yet/however we hardly ever see them.

   4. My friend and I were tired, so/however we went home early.

   5. We had wanted to stay until the end of the game, but/however it got too late for us.

   6. I understand your point of view. However/Although I don’t agree with it.

   7. The normal pulse for an adult is between 60 and 80 beats per minute, so/but/however excitement will make a pulse much faster.

   8. The food didn’t look appetizing, but/however many people started eating.

        1. but                   2. however                      3. yet                         4. so

        5. but                   6. However                    7. however                8. but

   Exercise 3: Add so, therefore or however where appropriate. (Thêm so, therefore hoặc however where appropriate nơi thích hợp.)

   1. He worked hard,……………….he could earn much money.

   2. The shrimp was only 2 dollars a kilo this week,……………….I bought three kilos.

   3. He’s been studying really hard, …………………….he can pass the exams.

   4. She is still not good at  Maths,……………she cannot be the best student in her class.

   5. OK, you can take Chemistry as your major. ………………. you should remember that it is not easy to learn Chemistry.

   6. The boy has chosen to do an MBA programme in Australia. …………..I think you should let him go.

   7. It was already 6 p.m.,…………….we closed the office and went home.

   8. Advertisers often say that their products are the best. ……………….the real quality is not as good as it is advertised.

           1. therefore                    2. so                        4. therefore

           5. However                    6. Therefore            7. so             8. However