Language – trang 20 Unit 7 tiếng anh 12 mới, Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Language – trang 20 Unit 7 tiếng anh 12 mới...

Unit 7: Artificial intelligence – Language – trang 20 Unit 7 SGK tiếng anh 12 mới. Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Language – trang 20 Unit 7 SGK tiếng anh 12 mới Vocabulary 1 Match the words (1-5) with their meanings (a-e). (Nối từ với nghĩa của chúng) Hướng dẫn: 1.c 2.e ...

Unit 7: Artificial intelligence – Language – trang 20 Unit 7 SGK tiếng anh 12 mới. Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Language – trang 20 Unit 7 SGK tiếng anh 12 mới


1     Match the words (1-5) with their meanings (a-e). (Nối từ với nghĩa của chúng)

Hướng dẫn:

1.c   2.e   3.a   4.b   5.d

2    Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in 1. (Hoàn thành các câu sau đây bằng các hình thức đúng của từ trong 1.)

Đáp án:

1. emotion

2. capable

3. resurrected

4. active

5. incredible


Sentence stress

  Listen and repeat the sentences, paying attention to the stressed words. (Nghe và lặp lại các câu, chú ý đến những từ nhấn mạnh.)

Click tại đây để nghe:

There are a lot of science-fiction films on nowadays.
A GPS tracking device is hidden under the seat.
Please turn off all your electronic devices duri takeoff.
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is recognised over the globe by millions of people.
The first space shuttle was launched by NASA 1981.
Do you believe that the future A.I. will destr humans completely?
The ATM was broken so I went to the bank to get my cash.


The active and passive causatives

1   Rewrite the sentences, using have + object + bare infinitive.


Monica wanted Jimmy to repair the fence that fell over in the garden.

Monica had Jimmv repair the fence that fell over in the garden.

1.    The A.I. expert wanted his assistant to activate the newly made robot.

2. The computer corporation wanted their workers to eliminate malfunctioning products.

3.    The robot manufacturer wanted his customers to exchange their outdated robots for the next generation robots.

4.     The company wanted someone to clear out all the junk in the store.

5.    The manager wanted the workers to move the machine to a new station.


6.     The owner of the palace wanted a construction company to remodel his estate.

Hướng dẫn:

Viết lại câu, sử dụng have + tân ngữ + động từ nguyên thể

The A.I. expert had his assistant activate the newly made robot.
The computer corporation had their workers eliminate malfunctioning products.
The robot manufacturer had his customers exchange their outdated robots for the next generation robots
The company had someone clear out all the junk in the store.
The manager had the workers move the machine to a new station.
The owner of the palace had a construction company remodel his estate.

2  Rewrite the sentences in 1, using get + object +  past participle.

Example: Monica wanted Jimmy to repair the fence that fell over in the garden.

Monica got the fence that fell over in the garden repaired.

Hướng dẫn:

The A.I. expert got the newly made robot activated.
The computer corporation got malfunctioning products eliminated.
The robot manufacturer got the outdated robots exchanged for the next generation robots.
The company got all the junk in the store cleared out.
The manager got the machine moved to a new station.
The owner of the palace got his estate remodeled.

Key and audio script

1.     There are a lot of science-fiction films on TV nowadays.

2.    A GPS tracking device is hidden under the seat.

3.     Please turn off all vour electronic devices during takeoff.

4.     GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is recognised all over the globe bv millions of people.

5.     The first space shuttle was launched bv NASA in 1981.

6.     Do you believe that the future A.I. will destroy humans completely?

7 . The ATM was broken so I went to the bank to get mv cash.


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