24/05/2018, 15:57

Ensuring Labor Safety in Factories

Labor safety is a very important matter in manufacturing but often ignored in factories in Vietnam. Workplace accidents causing death or disability cost both individuals and factories dearly. This Guide focuses on how to ensure safety in ...

Labor safety is a very important matter in manufacturing but often ignored in factories in Vietnam. Workplace accidents causing death or disability cost both individuals and factories dearly. This Guide focuses on how to ensure safety in production for workers in the steel industry, but is also relevant to other kinds of factories

Prospective users:

All members of the factory must be involved in ensuring safety in the workplace. It is management’s responsibility to ensure a healthy and safe environment, but workers must also take responsibility for their own safety and follow factory policies and procedures to ensure their safety.

This practice can be applied to all kinds of factories.

ProblemS addressed

  • Workplace accidents
  • High costs of compensation, sick or accident leave
  • Workers taking a lot of sick leave


To improve labor safety in the factory requires a comprehensive approach involving all members of the factory. Labor safety is about reducing risk in the workplace, and educating all employees about safety.

Firstly, management should create a policy on labor safety. The policy should include a number of , ensure workers are wearing appropriate protective equipment, educate workers about labor safety and continuously monitor safety in the workplace.

Steps in implementation

  • Develop and distribute Labor safety policies and regulations; this Labor Safety Regulations regulation must conform on Vietnam Labor Code.
  • Place a safety reminder board with large symbols and letters at the entrance gate and inside the factory where it is easy for workers to see
  • Post messages about labor safety around the factory to continually remind workers to be aware of safety issues. These messages should be interactive with visual aids and use worker-friendly.
  • Use safety slogans which are easy to see and remember
  • Use pictures and diagrams to illustrate to workers the correct and unsafe ways of using equipment, machinery or fire rescue device, or doing activities such as lifting
  • Brainstorm creative ideas to encourage workers to ensure safety in production and wear PPE
  • Ensure every worker has sufficient personal protective equipment. Provide workers with personal storage to keep their personal protective equipment such as hat, gloves or shoes. (See Good Practice Guide #12 - How to get workers to wear PPE for more information).
  • Supervisors should ensure all workers are wearing all their standard protective equipment before starting every shift: hard hat, shoes, protective clothes or
  • Set up the fire rescue system and train the workers on using the fire rescue devices or escaping from the factory in case of fire. Regularly organize fire rescue practice for workers (See Good Practice Guide #13 – Fire Safety for more information).
  • Train workers to know how to use lifting machines such as forklifts as well as to conduct manual lifting correctly (See Good Practice Guide #14 – Safe Lifting for more information).
  • Train the workers on who to use the electric system and devices in a safe way. Ensure that all the electrical devices are in safe status.
  • Train all workers in using correct actions in their work to enhance the productivity and protect their health. Ensure that they have comfortable seats or working position during the work time.
  • Setup the emergency system including alarms for fire or emergency, emergency exists, emergency exit maps and procedures.
  • Set up the air and light system to ensure providing sufficient air and light to workers.
  • Set up the system to help isolate chemical factors such as dust or fume in the factory. Use dust-cleaning machines to clean the factory. Ensure chemical storage areas well ventilated and located away from sources of ignition and labeled in local language.
  • Offer timely encouragement and/or rewards for individuals or groups who conform on the safety regulations.
  • Regularly conduct safety audit to ensure all the all divisions in the factory well implement the regulations on fire safety, chemical safety, and electrical safety etc.; ensure that all the rescue devices are in good conditions and ready to be used; ensure that emergency exits are clear of obstacles.
  • The safety audit should also look at any source of risk within the factory and find a way to remove such source of risk. If the removal of risk is not possible, there must be some signboard to notice the workers about the risk.
  • The safety audit also looks at the opportunities to have a safer workplace such as finding ways or additional supporting devices to help workers to do a particular job more safely.

  • Efforts of personnel in charge of labor safety
  • Regulations on labor safety
  • Guides on safety in production
  • Personal protective equipment and personal storage
  • Encouragement policy for those who well conformed with the regulations
  • Supervision of line manager
  • Habits of Vietnamese to not pay attention to labor safety issues
  • Habits of Vietnamese workers in using no protective equipment
  • Safety for labors and for the factories
  • Good and stable labor forces
  • Cost saving

  • Safety regulation formulated and informed to all workers
  • Safety regulation and safety manual posted in public information board
  • All workers know how to use their working tools, machines or equipment correctly and safely
  • All workers understand and remember key safety regulations which related to them
  • Personal protective equipments and personal storage available to all workers
  • All workers use personal protective equipment correctly

Funding for the Factory Improvement Programme is provided by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and the United States Department of Labor.