14/01/2018, 22:59

Đề thi thử vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh năm 2017 có đáp án (Đề 13 + 14)

Đề thi thử vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh năm 2017 có đáp án (Đề 13 + 14) Đề thi thử vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh năm 2017 Đề ôn thi vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh Xin giới thiệu đến các bạn do VnDoc.com sưu tầm và ...

Đề thi thử vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh năm 2017 có đáp án (Đề 13 + 14)

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Đề thi thử vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh năm học 2017 - 2018 có đáp án - Đề 18


Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. A. necessary                     B. celebrated                      C. special                     D. receive

2. A. bone                              B. only                                C. lonely                       D. son

3. A. plastic                           B. provide                            C. similar                       D. picnic

Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

4. It is raining very hard. I wish I......a raincoat.

A. bad had                 B. will have                   C. am havine                      D. had

5. Her aunt suggests that she......harder on her examination.

A. worked                   B. should work                 C. would work                      D. works

6. The bridge......recently.

A. is built                      B. is being built                  C. has been built                 D. has built

7. Her father has promised......her a new pairs of shoes before Christmas

A. buy                              B. to buy                            C. buying                            D. buys

8. Mary is vers beautiful and rich. ......she is very modest.

A. However                        B. Therefore                   C. Although                       D. Because

9. Would you.......the gas when the kettle boils?

A. turn in                  B. turn down                      C. keep on                   D. keep up

10. Let's go into the room......we'll be protected from the strong winds.

A. which                      B. that                         C. who                                  D. where

11. If he had know'n the new words, he.......the passage.

A. would understand                                        B. understood

C. had understood                                           D. could have understood

12. They are tired......they stayed up late watching football last nigbt.

A. if                      B. while                        C. because                           D. altliough

13. My sister is getting married......a singer.

A. for                       B. with                      C. on                                     D. to

Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits each blank space in the following passage.

On December 21, 1968. the United States (14)......Apollo 8 trom the Kennedy Space Center. The astronauts on (15)......, Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders, were the first humans to (16)......to the moon. They (17)......the moon humans ten times and sent television pictures of its surface back to the earth.

On July 16, 1969 Apollo 11 was launched. Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins went (18)......space with the lunar module, the Eagle, which would land on the moon. Six hours after a successful (19)......on the moon, Neil Armstrong was ready to leave the Eagle. He wore the special space suit and heavy boots. He placed his foot on the moon's (20)......and said, "That's one small step for man, one giant (21)......for mankind."

14. A. took off                       B. controlled                     C. started                      D. launched

15. A. ship                            B. space                             C. board                      D. deck

16. A. move                          B. journey                             C. get                        D. travel

17. A. orbited                        B. surrounded                      C. circled                     D. rounded

18. A. away                           B. into                                   C. to                             D. up

19. A. travelling                     B. staying                              C. grounding                  D. landing

20. A. floor                                B. exterior                             C. soil                           D. surface

21. A. walk                                 B. skip                                  C. jump                             D. leap

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.

22. If there is no water, there would be no life on the earth.

A. is                          B. be                         C. on                           D. the

23. We are looking forward to spend our summer vacation in the country.

A. are                        B. to spend                  C. summer vacation                       D. in

24. There are so much chickens in the garden that I can't count them all.

A. so much              B. chickens                      C. in the garden                             D. count them all

Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence.

25. We used to spend our..........in a small village. (child)

26. Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your..... (satisfy)

27. Rarely does........bring success. (patient)

28. WHO stands for "World Health......." (organize)

Read the following passage carefully, then write True (T) or False (F) for each statement.

Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices, factories or schools every day by train, car or bus. even though this means they have to get up earlier in the morning and come home later in the evening.

One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one's own. Then, in the country one can rest from the noise and hurry of the town. Although one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, be can sleep better at night, and during weekends. In summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, he can spend his free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden.

29. ......Many people who work in London like living near their offices.

30. ......If they live outside London, they will have to get up earlier in the morning and come home later in the evening.

31. ......People who live in the country can escape from the noise and hurry of the town.

32. ......People whose hobby is gardening can spend their free time in their gardens.

Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings.

33. My uncle took me to a pop concert last month.

I remember....................................... .

34. I had to spend two days travelling to that town.

It.................................................... .

35. You may fall if you are not careful.

Be careful ...................................... .

36. It was such a dirty beach that 1 decided not to stay.

The beach....................................... .