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Đề thi học sinh giỏi tỉnh Cà Mau lớp 12 năm 2011 môn Tiếng Anh

Đề thi học sinh giỏi tỉnh Cà Mau lớp 12 năm 2011 môn Tiếng Anh Đề thi học sinh giỏi Vndoc.com xin gửi đến các bạn: . Đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh: SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TỈNH CÀ MAU ...

Đề thi học sinh giỏi tỉnh Cà Mau lớp 12 năm 2011 môn Tiếng Anh

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Đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh:



NĂM HỌC 2010 - 2011


(Thời gian làm bài 180 phút không kể thời gian giao đề)
Ngày thi: 14/11/2010


PART I: (2.0 pts) Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate your answer.

1. _______ have settled, one of their first concerns has been to locate an adequate water supply.
A. Wherever people          B. There are people who
C. Whether people           D. People

2. The government had _______ them permission to leave the country.
A. promised                B. attributed
C. granted                   D. qualified

3. People of all countries are expected to _______ the principles of the United Nations.
A. uphold                        B. inspect
C. exaggerate                  D. integrate

4. The business _______ after new incentives were introduced.
A. thrilled                B. urged
C. boomed              D. persisted

5. He _______ when the bus came to a sudden stop.
A. was almost hurt             B. was to hurt himself
C. was hurt himself            D. was hurting himself

6. Look at the situation I am in! If only I _______ your advice.
A. follow                        B. had followed
C. would follow               D. have followed

7. I would appreciate ________ it a secret.
A. your keeping                B. you to keep
C. that you keep               D. that you will keep

8. He must have known about it, ________ he?
A. mustn’t                 B. haven’t
C. didn’t                    D. don’t

9. All ________ is a continuous supply of basic necessities of life.
A. what is needed                 B. for our need
C. the thing needed               D. that is needed

10. Although only of ________ intelligence, he speaks four languages fluently.
A. average                B. middle
C. minor                   D. high

PART II: (1.0 pt) Find ONE mistake in each sentence. Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate your answers.

1. Motoring authorities credit (A) mandatory seat-belt laws for the reduces (B) in (C) traffic fatalities (D).

2. It is well-known (A) fact that (B) camels can go (C) for extended periods without (D) water.

3. The dream of building (A) a permanently (B) staffed space station it (C) may soon become a reality (D).

4. Norma Jean Baker was (A) the real (B) name of the famous (C) Hollywood actress known such as (D) Marilyn Monroe.

5. The Kerma civilization (A) was some (B) of the earliest (C) indigenous African tribal (D) groups.

PART III: (2.0 pts) Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered spaces provided. (0) has been done as an example.


At a (0)_________ held in Oxwell last Thursday evening a wide (1)_________ of opinions was expressed on plans to build a large supermarket in the town. A (2)________of the supermarket group stated that the supermarket would benefit the (3)_________ of Oxwell as it would give people more (4)__________ when shopping and would lead to a (5)__________ in the number of jobs available in the town, which has a high rate of (6)_________. Although there was (7)_________ on the need for new jobs, some of those present claimed that the supermarket would lead to a (8)________of jobs as small shops, (9)________ to compete with supermarket prices, would be forced to close. The final (10)_________ on whether or not to build supermarket will be made next month.

PART IV: (1.0 pt) Fill in each blank with a suitable PREPOSITION. Write your answers in the numbered blanks provided below the passage

Your library Membership Card must be produced each time you wish to borrow books ___(1)___ the library. It will be returned ___(2)___ you immediately, it has been read as these cards are not held in the library. You may borrow up ___(3)___ four books. Borrowing will be made quicker and easier ___(4)___ everyone if the books you are taking out are given to the assistant who opens ___(5)___ the date label ___(6)___ your library Membership Card ___(7)___ the top book. Returned books should be presented ___(8)___ this way except that the Membership Card need not be shown. Books should be returned ___(9)___ the due date. Fines will be charged ___(10)___ books returned late.

PART V: (1.0 pts) Supply the correct form of the VERBS in the brackets to complete the passage. Write your answers in the space provided under this passage.

It is not necessary to go abroad in order to learn something new about the world. In our old city, even in our own village, there (1. be) probably a great deal to be learnt, and certainly no one (2. see) all that is beautiful or interesting in his own country. We can usually see mountains that we (3. not/ climb) yet, and if we (4. reach) the top of one we shall see another in the distance. If we (5. walk) along the river, we (6. find) stream running into it and (7. wonder) where they (8. come) from. Every valley (9. give) us a new view. Even on a short walk we may see birds and trees and flowers of which we (10. not/know) the names.


PART I: (1.0 pt) Fill each blank with one suitable word. Write your answers in the space provided under this passage.

Salt, sugar and fat are things we are all careful about when we choose our food. Nevertheless, these days people are ___(1)___ more fearful about additives and ___(2)___ substances ___(3)___ are added to food doctors have ___(4)___.

Consumers should read the label listing the ___(5)___ used in making the products they may want to buy.

Some of these additives are ___(6)___. Some of these ___(7)___ are colours, preservations, thickeners and sweeteners.

It was proven that some additives might cause certain people to ___(8)___ sick, or suffer from allergies and even nervous disorders. Some additives ___(9)___ children to behave in abnormal ways. Your local library should have books on additives and their ___(10)___ on users.

PART II: (2.0 pts) Read the following passage and circle the answer which is most accurate according to the information given in the passage.

Many parents believe that they should begin to teach their children to read when they are ___(1)___ more than toddlers. This is fine if the child shows a real interest but ___(2)___ a child could be counter-productive if she isn’t ready. Wise parents will have a ___(3)___ attitude and take the lead from their child. What they should provide is a selection of ___(4)___ toys, and other activities. Nowadays there is plenty of good ___(5)___ available for young children, and of course, seeing plenty of books in use about the house will also ___(6)___ them to read.

Of course, books are no longer the only ___(7)___ of stories and information. There is also a huge range of videos, which can ___(8)___ and extend the pleasure a child finds in a book and are ___(9)___ valuable in helping to increase vocabulary and concentration. Television gets a bad ___(10)___ as far as children are concerned, mainly because too many children spend too much time watching programs not intended for their age group.

1. A. scarcely                B. rarely              C. slightly               D. really

2. A. insisting                B. forcing             C. making              D. starting

3. A. cheerful                 B. contented        C. relaxed              D. hopeful

4. A. bright                    B. thrilling            C. energetic            D. stimulating

5. A. material                 B. sense             C. produce              D. amusement

6. A. provoke                  B. encourage      C. provide                D. attract

7. A. source                   B. site                C. style                   D. basis

8. A. uphold                   B. found             C. reinforce              D. assist

9. A. properly                 B. worthily         C. perfectly               D. equally

10. A. review                  B. press            C. criticism               D. result

PART III: (1.5 pts) Read the following passage and circle the answers A, B, C or D which is most accurate according to the information given in the passage.

People who suffer from excessive drowsiness during the daytime may be victims of a condition known as “narcolepsy”. While most people may feel sleepy while watching TV or after eating a meal, narcoleptics may fall asleep at unusual or embarrassing times. They may doze while eating, talking, taking a shower, or even driving a car. Victims can be affected in one of two ways. Most narcoleptics have several sleeping spells during each day with alert periods in between. A minority of others feel drowsy almost all the time and are alert for only brief intervals.

There are no reliable data showing how many people have narcolepsy. Some estimates put the number as high as 300,000 in the United States alone. The cause of this illness has not been identified, although recent research suggests that the problem may stem from an immune system reacting abnormally to the brain’s chemical processes. There is currently no cure for narcolepsy, so sufferers of this condition can only have their symptoms treated through a combination of counseling and drugs.

1. What is the main topic of this passage?
A. Aspects of narcolepsy
B. Causes of narcolepsy
C. Treatment of narcolepsy
D. Development of narcolepsy

2. A person is most likely to be narcoleptic if he or she falls asleep while
A. watching a movie
B. eating at a restaurant
C. lying on the beach
D. taking a long car trip

3. The passage implies that narcolepsy
A. is an imaginary problem
B. can be a serious disorder
C. is easily cured
D. is really laziness

4. The word “others” in line 6 refers to
A. spells
B. periods
C. victims
D. intervals

5. According to the passage, it can be said that
A. most people are narcoleptics sometimes
B. narcoleptics are drug addicts
C. narcolepsy is a very rare condition
D. the number of narcoleptics is unknown

6. Which of the following statements about narcolepsy is NOT true?
A. Doctors treat symptoms rather than causes.
B. The causes of narcolepsy have not been found yet.
C. Narcolepsy affects people in two basic ways.
D. Narcolepsy can be cured through counseling and drugs.