02/05/2018, 06:50

Đề thi giữa học kì 1 lớp 11 môn Anh năm 2015

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Đề kiểm tra giữa học kì 1 lớp 11 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2015 - 2016, các em xem chi tiết dưới đây:

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NĂM HỌC 2015 - 2016


Thời gian làm bài: 45  phút

Part I: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group (mark A, B, C or D). Mark your choice on the answer sheet.

Câu 1:     A. honour                   B. him                        C. hunter                    D. ham

Câu 2:     A. get                         B. guy                        C. goggle                   D. gymnast

Câu 3:     A. chemical                B. cheap                     C. cheese                    D. cheat

Câu 4:     A. autumn                  B. canteen                  C. then                       D. nine

Câu 5:     A. head                      B. bean                       C. heal                        D. ease

Part II: Choose from the four options given (mark A, B, C or D) one best answer to complete each sentence. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 

Câu 6:  Their children are used to                   up after school every day.

A. be picked                  B. pick                           C. picking                      D. being picked

Câu 7:  __________ two hours having lunch, they left the restaurant.

A. Spending                   B. After spend               C. Having spent             D. Spent

Câu 8:  I’ve got lots of                  but only a few really good friends.

A. neighbors                  B. best friends               C. acquaintances            D. partners

Câu 9:  When it                 to rain, they                  through the forest.

A. starting/ walked                                               B. started/ were walking

C. start/ walked                                                    D. starts/ walked

Câu 10:   It’s a pleasure                 you again after so long.

A. see                             B. to see                         C. seeing                        D. being seen

Câu 11:  I avoid                 the car whenever possible, especially in big cities.

A. took                           B. taking                        C. is taken                      D. take

Câu 12:  He spends most of his time __________ computer games.

A. playing                      B. played                       C. having played            D. to play

Câu 13:  The man wanted to avoid __________ on security cameras.

A. seeing                        B. to be seen                  C. to see                         D. being seen

Câu 14:  Helen expected _______ to the university, but she wasn't.

A. being admitted          B. to admit                     C. to be admitted           D. admitting

Câu 15:  The police let him ______ after they had asked him some questions.

A. leave                          B. leaving                       C. to leave                      D. left

Câu 16:  When we ______ to see him last night, he ______ to music.

A. come / is listening                                            B. had come / listened

C. were coming / had listened                              D. came / was listening

Part III: Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning

Câu 1:  He got back home and then he rode his bike to the station yesterday.

After ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Câu 2:  It usually takes her two hours to do her homework everyday.

She ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Câu 3:  I haven’t seen him for ages

It’s ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Câu 4:  Last week, John broke his leg when skiing.

While John ……………………………………………………………………………………

Part IV: Read the passage again then choose the correct answer to answer the following questions by marking the corresponding letter: A, B, C, or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 

    Australia is the world’s smallest continent, but it is one of the most fascinating. Australia has rainforests, and mountains. Seventy percent of the people in Australia live in cities near coasts. The middle of the country is nearly deserted.

      Australia has 175 million sheep, about a sixth of the world’s total. It produces a third of the world’s wool. It exports ninety – seven percent of its wool to Japan, Europe, and China. Australia also has about 24 million cattle. It exports beef to more than 100 countries. Two million tourists visit this beautiful country each year.

Câu 1:  How many percent of the people in Australia live in cities near coasts?

A. 70 Percent                 B. 66 percent                 C. 75 percent                 D. 25 percent

Câu 2:  How many Australians don’t live in cities the coast?

A. 50 percent                 B. 20 percent                 C. 30 percent                 D. 70 percent

Câu 3:  The word “deserted” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to                 .

A. old and falling down                                       B. dangerous

C. dry                                                                   D. empty

Câu 4:  Australia exports wool to                 .

A. China                                                               B. Japan

C. Europe                                                             D. Japan, Europe and China

Câu 5:  How many tourists do visit Australia each year?

A. 2 million                    B. 100 million                C. 175 million                D. 24 million

Part V: Read the passage then complete it by marking the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 

     While I was in prison, I spent a lot of time (6)              about what had gone wrong. Obviously, Contessa and I had (7)               a mistake somewhere, but we had taken a lot trouble to (8)              to it that no one would catch us. I (9)               a bad time in prison, but I was there, I (10)              a decision that I would find Pilar again when I got out and we would spend the rest of our lives together.

Câu 6:     A. inquiring                B. demanding            C. wondering             D. regarding

Câu 7:     A. done                      B. made                     C. had                        D. taken

Câu 8:     A. see                         B. watch                    C. notice                    D. look

Câu 9:     A. did                        B. passed                   C. had                        D. spent

Câu 10:   A. held                       B. made                     C. did                         D. found

Part VI. Write one of three following topics

1.      Your best friend

2.      Your most memorable experience

3.      A party you have attended

Nguồn: Dethi.violet