14/01/2018, 14:57

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 tỉnh Sóc Trăng năm học 2014 - 2015

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 tỉnh Sóc Trăng năm học 2014 - 2015 Đề thi học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2015 Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2015 là tài liệu ...

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 tỉnh Sóc Trăng năm học 2014 - 2015

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2015

là tài liệu ôn tập cực hay dành cho các em học sinh ôn thi học sinh giỏi. Sau đây mời các em cùng làm bài nhé!

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 huyện Hạ Hòa, Phú Thọ năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 trường THCS Liên Châu, Hà Nội năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 9 trường THCS Tam Hưng, Hà Nội năm học 2015 - 2016

A. Listening (3.0 points)

Let's listen

Part 1. People are talking about their roommates. Listen and choose the word that best describes each person. (1.5 points)

1. A. talkative              B. helpful                C. messy                  D. unreliable

2. A. generous             B. neat                   C. studious                D. unfriendly

3. A. considerate         B. messy                C. sociable                D. studious

4. A. neat                    B. lazy                   C. unreliable               D. helpful

5. A. humorous            B. talkative             C. considerate            D. sociable

6. A. studious              B. bad-tempered      C. quiet                      D. inconsiderate

Part 2. Listen. Are these statements true or false? Check the correct answer. (1.5 points)

1. The clerk asks the customer to come back next week.

2. The clerk asks for the credit card.

3. The customer has to bring the briefcase back in a few days.

4. The customer should call the clerk tomorrow.

5. The clerk asks the customer to fill out a form.

6. The customer doesn't need to show the clerk the guarantee.

B. Grammar and use (7.0 points)

Part 1. Choose the best answer. (2.0 points)

1. Minh used to walk a long way to work. Now he ___ to work.

A. walks                B. no longer walks                  C. didn't walk                 D. still walks

2. "Have a nice weekend!" - " _____"

A. Are you going anywhere?                                  B. I'm going to take it easy.

C. Thanks. You too!                                              D. Do you have any plans?

3. ___ from Alan, all the students said they would go.

A. Only                B. Separate                               C. Except                    D. Apart

4. He won 200 million dong, ____ he gave his parents.

A. half of that        B. half of which                         C. half of it                   D. half of them

5. What are the main ___ of this illness?

A. tokens              B. traces                                  C. emblems                  D. symptoms

6. It's time you ___ back to your work.

A. went                 B. have gone                            C. go                            D. will go

7. My cousin is very ___ of spiders.

A. terrify                B. terrified                                C. terrifying                   D. terror

8. When Mr. Tony came to Britain, he had to get used ___ on the left.

A. to driving           B. driving                                  C. to drive                    D. drive

Part 2. Use the correct tense or form of the verbs in parentheses. (1.0 point)

1. I feel as if my head ___ (be) on fire now, doctor.

2. I'll never forget ___ (see) the king.

3. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ___ (go) to bed.

4. The name of the new town ___ (choose) by the committee tomorrow.

Part 3. Identify the one underlined word or phrase A, B, C or D that should be corrected or rewritten. (2.0 points)

1. He doesn't want to get married to her because her serious illness.

                  A                 B                         C             D

2. Either you or he are on duty today.

                    A       B  C             D

3. The snow prevented the trains for running.

     A                                 B       C       D

4. After a carefully investigation, we soon discovered that the house was infested with termites.

                    A                                           B                                         C          D

5. You should really see that new movie. We find it very excited.

                    A                   B                        C                 D

6. Pele, from Brazil, is considered as one of the greatest football player of all time.

              A                          B                               C                     D

7. There has been quite a few objections to the new policy.

                    A             B                       C                 D

8. She promised not tell anyone what I had said.

               A           B                   C           D

Part 4. Use the correct form of the words in parentheses. (1.0 point)

1. Advertisements account for three fourths of the ___ of the newspaper. (come)

2. You can buy electrical ___ at the shop over there. (apply)

3. The President's New Year Speech is going to broadcast ___ . (nation)

4. His lawyer speaks more ___ than yours. (persuade)

Part 5. Use the correct preposition. (1.0 point)

1. The little boy stopped playing football and ran ___ his mother, who has just come home.

A. after                 B. off                      C. for                  D. towards

2. Why don't we take Phuoc ___ with us on our next trip?

A. along                B. to                       C. in                   D. on

3. This computer isn't capable ___ running this software.

A. at                     B. of                       C. in                   D. with

4. English is used as an access ___ world scholarship and world trade.

A. into                  B. towards               C. to                   D. from

C. Reading (4.0 points)

Part 1. Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. (2.0 points)

During the (1) ___ years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to. They often seem to dislike being questioned. They may seem (2) ____ to talk about their work at school. This is a normal (3) ___ of this age. Though it can be very hard for parents to understand, it is part of becoming (4) ___ of teenagers trying to be adult while they are still growing up.

Parents should do their (5) ____ to talk to their son and daughter about school, work and future plans but should not (6) ___ them to talk if they don't want to. Parents should also watch for dangerous signs. Some young people trying to be adult may (7) ___ with sex, drugs, alcohol or smoking. Parents need to watch for any signs of (8) ___ behavior which may be connected with these and help if necessary.

1. A. childhood            B. recent                  C. teenage                     D. early

2. A. unwilling              B. unexpected          C. unworried                   D. unrestrained

3. A. achievement        B. development        C. appearance                D. circumstance

4. A. dependent            B. confident             C. free                           D. independent

5. A. well                      B. better                 C. best                           D. good

6. A. put                       B. push                   C. expect                       D. allow

7. A. appropriate            B. attach                 C. approach                   D. experience

8. A. unusual                 B. normal                C. exemplary                  D. unacceptable

Part 2. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space. (2.0 points)

People have always dreamt of living forever, and although we all know this will (1) ____ happen, we still want to live as long as possible. Naturally, there are advantages and disadvantages to a long life.

In the first place, people (2) ____ live longer can spend more time with their family and friends. Secondly, people who have busy working lives look forward to a long, relaxing time when they can do the things they have never had time for.

(3) ____ the other hand, there are some serious disadvantages. Firstly, many people become ill and consequently have to (4) ____ time in hospital or become (5) ____ on their children and friends. Many of them find this dependence annoying or embarrassing. In addition to this, the (6) ____ people get, the fewer friends they seem to have because old friends die or become ill and it's often (7) ____ to make new friends.

To sum up, it seems that living to a very old age is worthwhile for people who stay healthy (8) ____ to remain independent and enjoy life.

D. Writing. (6.0 points)

Part 1. Rewrite the following sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentences before them. (2.0 points)

1. Children learn a lot about how to behave in a situation like this.

Only ..................................................................................... .............

2. You practise a lot, and you will play well.

The more ................................................................................ ............

3. The boss made us work 12 hours a day.

We ................................................................................................... .

4. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test.

As long as ............................................................................... .............

Part 2. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word given in capital. Do not change this word in any way. (1.0 point)

1. There was too little time to go back home by bike.

There .......................................................................... (NOT)

2. Lan regrets not watching that film last night.

Lan .......................................................................... (WISHES)

Part 3. Write a short passage of argument about 120-150 words to persuade your friends to go to school by bicycle. (because some students like going to school by motorcycle) (3.0 points)

* Note: Don't write your school's name or what school you go to.

---The end---

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