14/01/2018, 14:32

Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Tam Cường, Hải Phòng năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Tam Cường, Hải Phòng năm học 2015 - 2016 Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 có đáp án Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 có đáp án là tài ...

Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Tam Cường, Hải Phòng năm học 2015 - 2016

Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 có đáp án

là tài liệu ôn thi học kỳ hữu ích giúp các em học sinh ôn luyện và củng cố kiến thức để sẵn sàng cho kỳ thi sắp tới. Sau đây mời các em làm bài và tham khảo đáp án cuối bài. 

Đề cương ôn thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 huyện Bình Giang, Hải Dương năm học 2013 - 2014

Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Thị trấn Tân Châu, Tây Ninh năm học 2010 - 2011

I. Listening

Listen then choose the right words. (2 points)

1. Once a farmer lived a...... (comfortable/ hard/ busy) life with his family.

2. One of the chicken laid a ........(ball/ gold/ long) egg.

3. He shouted........... (happily/ excitingly/ excitedly) to his wife.

4. They both looked at the egg in ......(amuzement/ amazement/ monument).

5. The wife wanted............ (one / four/ more).

6. He ....................(could/ couldn't/ wouldn't) find any eggs.

7. When he finished, all the chicken were............. (dad/ died/ dead).

8. There were no more eggs of any................... (kind/ size/ nice).

II. Reading

A. Read the following passage. Then fill in the gaps with the words provided. (1point)

like - in - neighborhood - friendly - likes

Nam moved to this ......(1)..............last year. Nam and his family lived in a big city before coming here. On the first days, he didn't ......(2)......the life in the country because there was not much to do. However, after a short time he has changed his mind. He now likes his new neighborhood very much because the air is fresh, the food is delicious and the people are......(3)......... There are a lot of things he can do ........(4).........his free time such as going swimming, going fishing, going boating. He doesn't want to live in a big city anymore.

B. Read the passage & answer the questions. (2 points)

How Nam has improved his English

In the first year of lower secondary school, I had some difficulties in learning English. My English pronunciation was really bad & my English grammar was worse. I did not know about this. One afternoon after the lesson, my English teacher told me to wait for her outside the classroom. She took me to the school library & showed me cassettes of pronunciation drills kept in a glass bookcase. She also told me how to use an English – English dictionary to improve my English grammar. "Now I think you know what you should do", said she. I made much progress & only one year later, I won the first prize in the English Speaking Contest held for secondary school students in my hometown.

1. How was his English grammar in the first year?

=> ..........................................................................................

2. Who wanted to meet him one afternoon after the lesson?

=> .........................................................................................

3. Where did Nam & his teacher go after that?

=> ..........................................................................................

4. What prize did he win in the English Speaking Contest one year later?

=> ..........................................................................................

III. Language focus

A. Circle the best option A,B,C or D to complete each of the following sentences. (2 points)

1. We must be there ...........7.30 and 8.15.

A. at                         B. before                         C. between                          D. after

2. Vietnames language is different ............... English language.

A. as                        B. like                             C. from                                D. with

3. Tom is 16. He isn't ........ to drive a car.

A. enough young       B. young enough              C. enough old                       D. old enough

4. When my uncle was young, he used ........... fishing on Sundays.

A. go                        B. went                            C. going                              D. to go

5. Mary likes ........... the piano.

A. playing                 B. plays                           C. played                             D. play

6. My dad .............for this company since 1998.

A. worked                 B. has worked                  C. have worked                     D. works

7. Last night I watched the movie "Romeo&Juliet". At last they killed ..........

A. himself                 B. ourselves                    C. themselves                       D. herself

8. We haven't seen each other ..........a long time.

A. for                        B. since                          C. at                                     D. on

B. Rewrite the sentences, using the words in the brakets:

1. When I was a child, we lived in Bristol.

=> We used to ............................................... when I was a child.

2. "Turn off the radio," her father said to her.

=> Her father asked her.............................................................

3. They intend to have a picnic on the weekend.

=> They are...........................................................................

4. He is strong. He can carry that suitcase.

=> He is strong enough.............................................................

IV. Writing

Use the wordcues below to complete each sentence in the letter. (2 points)

Dear Tim,

1. I/ glad/ tell/ you/ I/ going/ join/ Y&Y Green Group.


2. We/ be/ having/ environment month.


3. We/ be/ going/ clean/ streets/ weekends.


4. We/ be/ going/ plant trees/ flowers/ in the school garden.


5. We / also / planting / young trees / sell / other schools.


6. I/ hope/ give/ more green color/ to the city/ earn some money/ school Y&Y.


7. It / interesting / isn't it?


8. Write / me / soon / tell / all your news.





I. 2,0 points

1. comfortable           2. gold

3. excitely                 4. amazement

5. more                     6. couldn't

7. dead                     8. kind 

II. A. 1,0 point

1. C        2. C      3. D       4. D

5. A        6. B      7. C       8. A 

II. B. 1,0 point

1. We used to live in Briston when I was a child.

2. Her father asked her to turn off the radio.

3. They are going to have a picnic on the weekend.

4. He is strong enough to carry that suitcase. 

III. A. 2,0 points

1. neighborhood               2. like

3. friendly                        4. in 

III. B. 2,0 points

1. His English grammar was worse.

2. His teacher wanted to meet him one afternoon after the lesson.

3. Nam and his teacher /They went to the school library after that.

4. One year later, he won the first prize in the English Speaking Contest held for secondary school students in his hometown. 

IV. 2,0 points

1. I'm glad to tell you I'm going to join the Y & Y Green Group.

2. We're having an environment month.

3. We're going to clean the streets on weekends.

4. We're going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after school.

5. We are also planting young trees and plants to sell to some other schools.

6. I hope we will give more green color to the city and earn some money for the school Y & Y.

7. It is interesting and usefull, isn't it?

8. Write to me soon and tell me all your news.