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Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết HK2 năm 2016 môn Anh 10 - THPT Kim Liên

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ĐỀ KIỂM TRA 1 TIẾT HK2 (2015-2016)


(Thời gian:45 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề)

I/ Choose the word has underline part pronounced differently from the others.

01.  A. dear                                B. here                              C. near                         D. where

02.  A.  helped                           B. cooked                            C. studied                    D. washed

II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.

03.  A. national                          B. abandon                            C. orphanage               D. chemical

04.  A. ocean                              B. devide                              C. challenge                 D. picture

III/ Choose the word or pharse that best complete sentence of subtitutes for the underline word of pharse.

05. Sperm whale population are at risk due to hunting.

A. in extinction             B. in danger                           C. on the decrease                    D. in fewness

06. You may be surprised at the large _________ of animals that live in Cuc Phuong national park.

A. variety                    B. variously                           C. various                                 D. vary

07. Some people are_________ forests in some provinces in our country.

A. destruction                B. destroyed                          C. destroying                        D. destroy

08. We cannot clean up our _________ rivers and seas overnight.

A. polluted                     B. polluting                            C. pollution                          D. pollutant 

09. One species is dependent  _________  another for survival.

A. at                           B. of                                  C. on                                    D. to

10. The authority supplied the victims of the fire _________ food, clothes and money.

A. at                           B. of                                  C. on                                        D. to

11. _________ Pacific is the world’s ocean, covering one third of the Earth’s surface.

A. A                                 B. An                                      C. The                              D. ø

12. He is always interested in the mysteries that lie beneath the blue depths of the ocean.

A. over                            B. under                                 C. above                                    D. on

13. If only I _________ at home and _________ a football match on TV now.

A.  am/ watch                    B.  were/ were watching           C.  should be/ should be watching        D. be/ watch

14. The blue _________ is the largest known animals ever to have lived on the sea or land.

A.  krill                           B.  tuna                                      C.  whale                                        D. shell

15. They spent their childhood in a tiny fishery village by the sea.

A. small                          B. big                                      C. large                                     D. enormous

16. The road in our town _________

A. wide                             B. are being wide                   C. are being widened                     D. are being widen

17. _________ take the train instead of  the bus?

A. How about                B. Let’s                                  C. What about                                   D. Why don’t we

18. A new laws to conserve wildfife in the area will come into force next month.

A. protect                       B. pollute                               C. destroy                                          D. eliminate

19. Due to pollution, a lot of fish in the lake became sick and died.

A. Because of                B. Because                             C. In spite of                          D. As if

20. Some plants and animals are referred to as _________ organisms because they are extremely small.

A. tiny                             B. gulf                                    C. challenges                         D. oversized

21. If Peter _________ his car before the drive he_________the problem of out the petrol.

A. checked/ will not get                                                                       B. had checked/ wouldn’t have got             

C. checks/ will not have got                                                                   D. would be checknig/ will not have got

22. We can’t _________ without food, water and air.

A. protect                                   B. surround                                       C. conserve                           D. exist

23. The best time _________ the park is during the dry season, from October to April, when the rainy season is over.

A. visit                            B. to visting                             C. visiting                            D. to visit      

 IV. Error Indentification.

24. I think you shoudn’t do if it’s the right thing to do.

          A                B                C                  D                 

25. Children oughtn’t spend too much time playing computer games.

           A                 B          C                D

26. Why not you try the cake I have just made?

        A              B                 C        D

V. Read the passage, then choose the correct answer.

Most people are afraid of sharks, but they usually do not know very much about them. There are more than 350 kinds of sharks, and all of them are meat eaters. Sharks are useful because they eat sick fish and keep the oceans clean. Sharks do not have ears. However, they can "hear" sounds and movements in the water. Any sound or movement makes the water vibrate. Sharks can feel these vibrations, which help them find food. They also use their large eyes to find food. Most sharks see best in dim light. They often hunt for food at dawn, in the evening, or in the middle of the night. Scientists want to learn more about sharks for  several reasons. For example, cancer is common in many animals, especially in people. However, it is rare in sharks. Scientists want to find out why sharks almost never get cancer. Maybe this information can help people prevent cancer too.

27. How many kinds of sharks are there in the world?

A.  more than200                                  B. more than 300      C. more than 350                  D. more than 500

28. According to the passage, sharks are useful because ______.

A. they are very big      B. they clean the oceans     C. they are meat eaters                    D. they eat fish

29. Sharks can find food because they can ______.

A. feel vibrations and hear with their ears               B. see with their eyes and hear with their ears

C. feel vibrations and see with their large eyes          D. hear very well with their large ears

30. Most sharks hunt for food at night because ______.

A. they see best in dim light    B. they are hungry at night             C. there is more food then         D. other fish are sleeping

31. According to the passage, research on sharks may help ______.

A. people know how to prevent cancer                                             B. animals prevent cancer

C. people find a cure for AIDS                                                          D. sharks live longer

VI. Read the passage and choose the best option

Conservation is the safeguarding and (32)…. of natural resources, so that they can continue (33)……… and enjoyed. In the past, most people believed that the world's (34) ……… could never be used up. Today, we know that is not true. An important part of conservation is the prevention of waste - waste of forests, soil, wild-life, minerals and human lives. As important is the fight (35) ……… pollution of our (36)……. , in particular, the dirtying and poisoning of air and water. Conservation is also concerned with the reclaiming of land by irrigating deserts, draining swamps or pushing back the sea.

32. A. destruction                        B. preservation            C. circulation                          D. damage

33. A. to use                               B. to be used             C. be used                              D. used

34. A. resources                          B. supplies                 C. gases                                  D. property

35. A. for                                 B. against                   C. to                                        D. on  

36. A. neighborhood                       B. surroundings        C. environment                            D. Earth

VII. Rewrite each of these sentences without changing its original meaning.

37. I had a bad headache yesterday so I didn’t go to school.

  If I ________________________________________________________________________

38. I can't look up the new words because I forgot bringing  a dictionary.

 If I _________________________________________________________________________

39. The scientists are studying the problem carefully.

 The problem _________________________________________________________________

40. These students  should have finished the  tasks  by the time their teacher came back.

 The tasks ____________________________________________________________________
