Đáp án và đề kiểm tra học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 12 năm 2016

Đáp án và đề kiểm tra học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 12 năm 2016 Tham khảo đề kiểm tra học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 năm 2016 . Đề có 40 câu trắc nghiệm có đáp án với thời gian làm bài là 45 phút. TỔ BỘ MÔN: TIẾNG ANH ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ I – NĂM HỌC: 2016-2017 MÔN: Tiếng ...

Đáp án và đề kiểm tra học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 12 năm 2016

Tham khảo đề kiểm tra học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 năm 2016. Đề có 40 câu trắc nghiệm có đáp án với thời gian làm bài là 45 phút. 




MÔN: Tiếng Anh 12

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

(không kể thời gian phát đề)

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS : (40 x 0,25 = 10pts)

I. Choose A, B, C, or D that best competes each sentence or as directed:

Question 1: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

A. exploitB.moistC.choirD.toil

Question 2:  Life in a big city is more stressful than the country. _____- it can also be expensive.

A. FurtherB.AdditionC.MoreoverD.Whereas

Question 3: Mary waved at him as a _____- but he didn’t seem to notice.

A. signatureB.signalC.sceneD.scenery

Question 4: Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

A. disruptiveB.tertiaryC.irrigateD.technical

Question 5: He _____- in me on the understanding that I wouldn’t tell anyone else.

A. confidedB.intimatedC.confessedD.disclosed

Question 6: ____- you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to $100 a day.

A. UnlessB.AlthoughC.Provided thatD.As soon as

Question 7: Choose the most suitable response to fill in the blank in the following exchange.

– Mary: “Would you mind turning down the volume?” – Tom: “_________”

A. Of courseB.I’d be glad toC.Not at allD.Yes, sure

Question 8: Artificial intelligence is ____- to have a large influence on our lives.

A. busyB.boundC.alikeD.subject

Question 9: The original castle is thought ______- sometime in the 12th century.

A. to buildB.to be builtC.to have builtD.to have been built

Question 10: The _____- of teachers is one of the difficulties poor countries have to face.

A. lackB.needC.demandD.require

Question 11: Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.

The country was faced with the daunting prospect of overcoming four decades of division.

A. intimidatingB.invaluableC.indefinableD.indefensible

Question 12: On being told about her sack, ______.

A. her boss felt sorry for MaryB.Mary was shocked
C.Mary’s face turned paleD.All are correct

Question 13: The complaints he received were like water off a duck’s ______.

A. backB.wingsC.featherD.body

Question 14: The fortune-teller _____- around here for a long time.

A. hasn’t seenB.didn’t seeC.hasn’t been seeingD.hasn’t been seen

Question 15: Circle the letter A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

Tropical forests exist close to the equator, which both high temperatures and abundant rainfall occur year-round.

A. close toB.whichC.abundantD.occur

Question 16: Students go to remote villages to provide education and _____services for people.

A. medicalB.medicineC.medicareD.medicated

Question 17: There is a “No Parking” sign of _____- I don’t take notice.

A. thatB.whatC.whichD.where

Question 18: Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.

In order to turn the deserts into fertile and productive land, engineers built an 800-mile canal.

A. illustriousB.prolificC.appealingD.redundant

Question 19: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

A. approachedB.sacrificedC.unwrappedD.obliged

Question 20: The plan’s highest priority was to develop _____- agriculture.

A. aB.anC.theD.Æ

Question 21: Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.

She turned away and muttered something unintelligible.

A. incomprehensibleB.understandableC.impressiveD.inexplicable

Question 22: Choose the sentence A, B, C, or D that has the same meaning as the given one.

The captain said to his men: “Cut the power supply immediately!”

A. The chief fireman ordered his men to cut the power supply immediately.
B.The chief fireman suggested his men cut the power supply immediately.
C.The chief fireman requested his men to the power supply immediately.
D.The chief fireman invited his men to the power supply immediately.

Question 23: There is still much to discuss. We shall, ______, return to this item at our next meeting.

A. howeverB.thereforeC.soD.but

Question 24: My mother was _____- of making a cake when the front door bell rang.

A. at the centreB.on her wayC.in the middleD.halfway through

Question 25: Circle the letter A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

In preparing for today’s meeting, Dave took some time jot down a few questions.

A. In preparingB.tookC.jot downD.a few

Question 26: Lola’s marriage has been arranged by her family. She is marrying a man __________.

A. that she hardly knows himB.whom she hardly knows him
C.she hardly knows himD.she hardly knows

Question 27: Please don’t lean ____- that wall. There’s fresh paint ___- it.

A. towards / onB.on / onC.on / towardsD.towards / against

Question 28: Peter: “I’ve got to go, Betty. So long.” – Betty:  “So long, Peter. And ________- .”

A. be carefulB.take careC.miss meD.don’t hurry

Question 29: You should take an extra copy of your _____- to the job interview.

A. résuméB.summaryC.reportD.record

Question 30: Choose the most suitable response to fill in the blank in the following exchange.

– John: “Why don’t you take a break?” – Alex: “_________”

A. Because I’m tiredB.I don’t agreeC.Sure, go aheadD.I guess I should

II. Read the passage and choose the words in A, B, C, or D that best fill the blanks from 31 to 35:

In higher education institutions there are two levels of courses: undergraduate and postgraduate. Students (31) ____- from an undergraduate course are awarded a degree dependent on their performance – in the UK the top classification is a ‘first’; the lowest is a ‘third’. Postgraduate courses lead to either a master’s degree (32) _____- a doctorate, also known as a ‘PhD’.

Generally, full-time undergraduate courses are three years long whilst postgraduate master courses last one year. In some subjects such as business, it is possible to (33) _____- on a sandwich course, where a year of work experience in the middle of the course is ‘sandwiched’ between academic study.

In both Australia and the UK many full-time students take on part-time jobs to help finance their studies and hopefully gain relevant work experience. This places greater pressure on students, who have to continually balance work and study commitments. (34) ____- , many students give up working in their final year to (35) _____- on achieving a good degree to be able to compete in the challenging job market.

Question 31:A. who graduatingB.who graduateC.graduateD.graduated
Question 32:A. forB.norC.orD.and
Question 33:A. writeB.runC.enrollD.take
Question 34:A. DespiteB.ThereforeC.AlthoughD.However
Question 35:A. concentrateB.expressC.attributeD.contribute

III. Read the passage and choose the best answer:

Accreditation is a system for setting national standards of quality in education. The United States is unique in the world because its accreditation is not administered by the government, but rather by committees of educators and private agencies like the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary School and the Society of Engineers.

Before registering to study in any education institution in the United States, a student should make certain that the institution is accredited in order to assure that the school has a recognized standard of organization, instruction, and financial support. Foreign students should be particularly careful to check an institution’s accreditation because other government or future employers may not recognize a degree earned from a school that has not received accreditation.

If a college is accredited, catalogs and brochures will usually indicate the accreditation status. If you are not sure about a certain school, don’t hesitate to check its reputation with an education officer at the nearest US embassy.

Question 36: The title best expresses the ideas in this passage is ______.

A. Studying in the United States
C.How to Find the Best School
D.The Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools

Question 37: What should students do in order to check the accreditation of a school that may interest them ?

A. Write to the school
B.Write to the U.S. Ministry of Education
C.Register to study at the school
D.Consult a U.S. embassy official

Question 38: According to the author, all of the following statements are true of the accreditation system in the United States EXCEPT ______.

A. The accreditation on status of a school will be listed in its catalogs and brochures
B.Future employers will be influenced by the accreditation of a candidate’s school
C.Accreditation provides information about the standards of instruction and organization of a school
D.The accreditation system is like that of many other countries

Question 39: The word “unique” in the first paragraph most nearly means ______.

A. unusualB.firstC.standardD.large

Question 40: From this passage, it may be concluded at an unaccredited school ______.

A. does not offer a degree
B.may close because of financial disorganization
C.is administered by the government
D.is better than an accredited school

