D. Reading - trang 16 - Unit 8 - Sách bài tập (SBT) tiếng Anh 9 mới

Read the itinerary of the Cameron Highlands Tour and answer the questions. Đọc lịch trình tham quan Cameron Highlands và trả lời câu hỏi. ...

Read the itinerary of the Cameron Highlands Tour and answer the questions. Đọc lịch trình tham quan Cameron Highlands và trả lời câu hỏi.

1. Read the itinerary of the Cameron Highlands Tour and answer the questions.
Đọc lịch trình tham quan Cameron Highlands và trả lời câu hỏi.

1. How long does it take to reach the Cameron Highlands?

2. Where will the tourists visit during the Half-Day Tour?

3. What must the tourists do if  they want to pick their own strawberriers at the Strawberry Farm?

4. What can the tourists do at the Boh Tea Plantation?

5. What does 'local produce' in this itinerary mean?

 Key - Đáp án:

1. It takes eleven hours.
2. They will visit the Strawberry Farm, Bee Farm, and Boh Tea Plantation.
3. They must pay a fee.
4. They can sample different kinds of tea, learn the process of making tea, and buy ready-made tea in teabags or loose tea leaves.
5. It means goods that are grown or made in the area.

2. Read the conversation and answer the questions.

Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi.

Nick: Vova, I hear that you took the train across Russia.

Vova: Yes, I started in Moscow, travelled all through Russia and Mongolia, and ended up in China.

Nick: Wow! That's a long way!

Vova: Yes. It took three weeks. I did it as part of a tour with ten other people.

Nick: Cool! What was the landscape like?

Vova: A lot of it was flat and you could see that there was absolutely nothing for miles. As we got into Siberia there were scattered trees, and when we got into Mongol we could see some camels, but besides that there was next to nothing.

Nick: Wow! Wild camels! So how did you eat on this train?

Vova: We stopped several times at stations along the way and on every platform you could buy local food. Every train had hot water on it too, so you could always make noodles if you were desperate.

Nick: Wow! Would you do it again?

Vova: Great question! Yes, I would do it again, but I would wait several years to do it. There are so many other things to do and see.

Nick: OK. Thanks a lot.

1. How many people were in his tour?

2. What was the landscape like?

3. What could he get on the train?

4. Where did he get food?

5. What animal did he see a lot of in Mongolia?

 Key - Đáp án:

1. Eleven people.

2. It was flat/empty/featureless/barren.

3. Hot water.

4. On the station platforms.

5. Camels.


3. Read the text below and decide which option (A, B, C, D) best fits each space.

Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi chỗ trống.

The tourist industry is considered to be the world's largest industry.The direct (1) __impact of the industry, including accommodation, transportation, entertainment, and attractions, is worth trillions of dollars every year. The statistics show that the number of international tourist (2) __ worldwide reached 1.04 billion in 2012.

Such large (3) ___of tourists, however, are beginning to cause problems. For example, in the Alps the many thousands of skiers are (4)______ the mountains they came to enjoy. Even parts of Mount Everest in the Himalayas are reported to be covered (5) _____ old food tins, tents, and pieces of equipment that have been (6)______ away.

At a time when we have greater freedom to travel (7) _____ ever before, more and more people are asking how they can enjoy their holidays (8) ______ causing damage to their destinations.

Now there is a new holiday guide (9) ___ Holidays That Don't Cost the Earth. It tells you how you can be a responsible tourist by asking your travel agent or your tour (10) _______ the right questions before you book a holiday.

1. A. national               B. educational                 C. economic                 D. cultural
2. A. arrivals                B. deliveries                    C. comings                   D. figures
3. A. totals                  B. numbers                     C. amounts                  D. digits

4. A. bending              B. destroying                   C. fixing                       D. hurting

5. A. for                     B on                                C. with                         D. below
6. A. put                    B tidied                            C. given                       D. thrown
7. A. than                  B when                            C. then                        D. while
8. A. outside              B instead                          C. beside                      D. without
9. A. called                B known                           C. termed                     D. described
10. A. advisor            B director                         C. operator                   D. worker

Key - Đáp án:

 1.C           2. A              3. B            4. B              5. C

6. D           7. A             8. D            9. A              10. C