15/01/2018, 17:47

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 9: At home and Away

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 9: At home and Away Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Mời các em học sinh luyện tập với do VnDoc.com sưu tầm và đăng tải có kèm đáp án cụ thể rất hữu ích cho các bạn ôn tập ngữ ...

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 9: At home and Away

Mời các em học sinh luyện tập với  do VnDoc.com sưu tầm và đăng tải có kèm đáp án cụ thể rất hữu ích cho các bạn ôn tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho những bài học tiếp theo và kì thi quan trọng khác. 


I. Điền vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau với từ thích hợp trong khung.

seafood           crabs                 souvenirs

sharks             dolphins            food stall

1. The children like to see the__________ in the aquarium.

2. People are afraid of__________ when they are at sea.

3. After visiting the aquarium, people went to the__________ for lunch.

4. I often buy a lot of__________ for my friends at home.

5. When my family go to the beach, we usually eat__________.

6. My favorite seafood is__________.

II. Điền dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. Nam and his classmates (play) __________ soccer yesterday afternoon.

2. He (send) __________ a letter to his pen pal last week.

3. Mrs. Hong (teach) __________ us English last year.

4. Barbara (wear) __________ a very beautiful dress last night.

5. Lan (write) __________ to her grandparents more often last year.

6. His father often (work) __________ in the garden on Sunday mornings.

7. The teacher usually (give) _________ the students a lot of homework on the weekend.

8. Tourists often (go) __________ to eat seafood at that famous restaurant.

III. Điền dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

Last Sunday, students from my school (1. go) ______ on an excursion. We (2. visit) ________ Cu Chi Tunnel. We (3. come) ______ to school at 6 a.m. Ten big buses (4. take) ______us there. All of us (5. be) ______ excited, so we (6. sing) ______ all the way to Cu Chi. We (7. arrive) ________ there at 7 a.m. A tourist guide (8. show) _______ us the historical places: the long tunnel and the kitchen under the ground where people (9. cook) _____ their meals. We (10. make) _______a tour round that place. Then we (11. go)_______ to Ben Duoc Temple. We (12. see) ______lots of names of the soldiers on the walls. We (13. admire)_____ them very much. Our teacher (14. ask) _____ us to write a report. We (15. write) _____ it at the moment. We (16. feel) _____ very happy to write what we (17. 1earn) _______ from that trip. We hope we (18. come) _______ back to Cu Chi some day.

IV. Viết câu hỏi cho các từ gạch dưới trong các câu sau.

1. I went to bed at 11 o'clock last night.

=> .........................................................................................................

2. She bought that dictionary because she didn't know many English words.

=> .........................................................................................................

3. I sent these letters to my pen Dal in Canada.

=> .........................................................................................................

4. Lan went to Nha Trang last month.

=> .........................................................................................................

5. She went to Nha Trang by train.

=> .........................................................................................................

6. They saw many types of fish and turtles in the aquarium.

=> .........................................................................................................

7. I ate bread and eggs for breakfast this morning.

=> .........................................................................................................

8. They were in the countryside last summer.

=> .........................................................................................................

V. Sắp xếp các từ sau để thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

1. short/ stopped/ the/ they/ at/my restaurant/ for/ time/ a.

=> .........................................................................................................

2. bought/ made/ mother/ dress/ material/ my/ and/ me/ the/ a/ for.

=> .........................................................................................................

3. apartment/ door/ mine/ they/ an/ to/ rented/ next.

=> .........................................................................................................

4. first/ saw/ shark/ time/ she/ this/ the/ a / is.

=> .........................................................................................................

5. wrote/ often/ year/ letters/ pen pal/ to/I / my/ last.

=> .........................................................................................................

6. taught/ some/ she/ friends/ her/ Vietnamese.

=> .........................................................................................................

7. summer/ visit/ you/ Hanoi/ last/ did/ vacation?

=> .........................................................................................................

VI. Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi.

Lan went to Nha Trang with her family on vacation last month. She stayed at a hotel on the side of the beach. In the early morning, she went to the sea and swam for an hour. Then she had breakfast in a food stall on the beach to enjoy fresh air in the morning. In the afternoon, she took some photos of the sights. She stayed in Nha Trang for four days and took of a lot of nice photos. She also bought some postcards and souvenirs for her friends. It was a great vacation because she had a lot of fun.

1. Where did Lan go on vacation last month?

=> .........................................................................................................

2. What did she do in the early morning?

=> .........................................................................................................

3. What did she do in the afternoon?

=> .........................................................................................................

4. How long did she stay in Nha Trang?

=> .........................................................................................................

5. Why was her vacation great?

=> .........................................................................................................


I. Cho dạng quá khứ của các động từ sau.

1. do _______________                      11. buy ________________________

2. teach _______________                  12. have ________________________

3. send _______________                   13. take ________________________

4. spend _______________                 14. go ________________________

5. begin _______________                  15. make ________________________

6. cut _______________                      16. think ________________________

7. put _______________                      17. see ________________________

8. give _______________                     18. eat ________________________

9. write _______________                    19. sing ________________________

10. be _______________                      20. wear ________________________

II. Xếp các động từ sau theo cách phát âm của tận cùng "ed".

listened           wrapped         painted            raised            looked

needed            visited           rained              watched         opened

helped             seemed         learned            practiced        stopped

remembered     worked          rented             arrived            talked

lived                liked             invited              received         washed

            /t/                             /d/                                    /id/
_________________ ___________________ ________________________

_________________ ___________________ ________________________

_________________ ___________________ ________________________

_________________ ___________________ ________________________

_________________ ___________________ ________________________

_________________ ___________________ ________________________

_________________ ___________________ ________________________

_________________ ___________________ ________________________

_________________ ___________________ ________________________

III. Điền dạng đúng của động từ trong các bài hội thoại sau.

Đoạn A:

Lan: Where (l. you/ spend) _____________________your summer vacation, Hoa?

Hoa: I (2. go) _____________ to Tri Nguyen Aquarium in Nha Trang with my family.

Lan: What (3. you/ see) _____________there?

Hoa: I (4. see)_______________a lot of types of fish and turtles.

Lan: (5. you/ buy) _______________ any souvenirs?

Hoa: Yes, I (6. buy) _______________ several beautiful souvenirs for my friends in the souvenir shop. I also (7. get) ____________ a big shell for myself. I (8. enjoy) _________ the trip very much.

Đoạn B:

Nam: How (1. be) ____________ your trip to Da Lat last week, Ba?

Ba: It (2. be) ____________great. I (3. enjoy) ____________it very much.

Nam: What (4. you/ do) ____________ there?

Ba: I (5. visit) __________Love Valley, Xuan Huong Lake, and some famous pagodas. I also (6. have)____________a boat trip on Tuyen Lam Lake.

IV. Điền vào chỗ trống với dạng đúng của động từ trong khung.

                start               have               take              eat

                stop               return             buy               meet

                travel             move              tell

1. My family____________ to this apartment three years ago.

2. My uncle ____________ me to the zoo last Sunday.

3. Nam____________ a party at that restaurant on his birthday last Saturday.

4. I ____________a lot of gifts for my family when I __________ to Singapore last month.

5. I ____________ to Nha Trang last week by train.

6. I____________ a lot of ice-cream last night, that's why I have a stomachache now.

7. It____________ to rain heavily on my way home so I ____________ at a bus stop.

8. This morning I____ one of my old friends on the way to school. She___me about her new job.

V. Đọc đoạn hội thoại sau và trả lời các câu hỏi.

Lan: Happy Birthday, Mary. This is your gift.

Mary: Oh, thanks, Lan. What is it?

Lan: Open it and have a look.

Mary: OK. Oh, it's a nice dress.

Lan: I made the dress by myself. It took me a week.

Mary: Oh! What a beautiful dress! How did you make it?

Lan: First, I bought the material, then my mother helped me to cut it into pieces. After that, I made the dress by sewing the pieces together.

Mary: I like it very much. What a clever girl you are!

Lam: You are welcome. I like sewing. It's my favorite hobby.


1. What does Lan give Mary?

=> ...............................................................

2. What is it?

=> .................................................................................

3. Did Lan buy it?

=> .....................................................................

4. How long did she make it?

=> ........................................................................

5. Who helped her to make it?

=> ........................................................................

6. How did she make the dress?

=> ........................................................................

7. Did Mary like the present?

=> .....................................................................

8. What is Lan's favorite hobby?

=> ...........................................................................

VI. Chọn từ/ cụm từ đúng trong ngoặc.

1. (Were/ Was)________ the weather nice yesterday?

2. Did you (get up/ got up) ________ late this morning?

3. (Were/ Was) ________ you born in 1997?

4. Did you (have/ had) ________ a pizza for lunch yesterday?

5. Did you (go/ went) ________ to Nha Trane last summer?

6. Ba is a good friend of (me/mine) ________.

7. Was Lan at the movie theater last night? - Yes, she (was/ did) ________.

8. (Were/ Did) ________ the Browns return to Ha Noi by train?

9. We went to Hue (by/ on) ________ plane.

10. Hoa learned how (using/ to use) ________ a sewing machine.


I. Điền vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau với từ thích hợp trong khung.

1/ dolphins          2/ sharks            3/ foodstall

4/ souvenirs        5/ seafood          6/ crabs

II. Điền dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1/ played            2/ sent                3/ taught               4/ wore

5/ wrote              6/ works              7/ gives                8/ go

III. Điền dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1/ went               2/ visited             3/ came                4/ took

5/ were               6/ sang                7/ arrived              8/ showed

9/ cooked           10/ made             11/ went                12/ saw

13/ admired         14/ asked            15/ are writing

16/ feel               17/ learnt              18/ will come

IV. Viết câu hỏi cho các từ gạch dưới trong các câu sau.

1. What time did you go to bed last night?

2. Why did she buy that dictionary?

3. Where did you send these letters to?

4. When did Lan go to Nha Trang?

5. How did she go to Nha Trang?

6. What did they see in the aquarium?

7. What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

8. Where were they last summer?

V. Sắp xếp các từ sau để thành câu hoàn chỉnh:

1. They stopped at my restaurant for a short time

2. The mother bought the material and made a dress for me.

3. They rented an apartment next door to mine

4. This is the first time she saw a shark.

5. I often wrote letters for my pen pal last year.

6. She taught her friends some Vietnamese.

7. Did you visit Hanoi on last summer vacation?

VI. Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi.

Phần B.

I. Cho dạng quá khứ của các động từ sau. Không đáp án

II. Xếp các động từ sau theo cách phát âm của tận cùng "ed".

III. Điền dạng đúng của động từ trong các bài hội thoại sau.

Đoạn A

1/ did you spend         2/ went            3/ did you see          4/ saw

5/ Did you buy            6/ bought         7/ got                      8/ enjoyed

Đoạn B

1/ was                       2/ was              3/ enjoyed

4/ did you do              5/ visited          6/ had

IV. Điền vào chỗ trống với dạng đúng của động từ trong khung.

1/ moved                   2/ took              3/ had                         4/ bought – traveled

5/ returned                 6/ ate                7/ started – stopped     8/ met - told

V. Đọc đoạn hội thoại sau và trả lời các câu hỏi. Không đáp án

VI. Chọn từ/ cụm từ đúng trong ngoặc.

1/ was         2/ get up          3/ were           4/ have             5/ go

6/ mine        7/ was             8/ did              9/ by               10/ to use


I. Pronunciation

Chọn một từ phần gạch dưới được phát âm khác vi những từ còn lại trong nhóm

1. a. note

b. hoping

c. coke

d. clock

2. a. sure

b. see

c. sports

d. seat

3. a. dear

b. bear

c. near

d. fear

4. a. teacher

b. reach

c. deaf

d. team

5. a. your

b. four

c. pour

d. hour

II. Vocabulary & Expression

Chọn thay nhóm từ thích hợp nhất đế hoàn chỉnh câu.


Liz is a good friend of . She is American.


a. me               b. my            c. mine                d. I


Liz and her parents … to Ha Noi last year.


a. come            b. came         c. coming             d. to come


They rented an apartment … to mine.


a. next door      b. near           c. beside             d. opposite


Last week, they … to a new apartment.


a. left                b. leave          c. move             d. moved

10. It is … the other side of Ha Noi.


a. by                 b. on               c. at                 d. in


She … to visit us next week.


a. comes            b. came           c. is coming     d. come 

12. It won’t be difficult to keep … .


a. touching        b. going on       c. in touch       d. touching on 

Đáp án Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 9

l. d

11. c

21. c

31. a

41. b

51. b said

61. a

71. c

2. a

12. c

22. d

32. c

42. c

52. b started

62. c

72. a

3. b

13 .a

23. b

33. c

43. b

53. d much

63. b

73. d

4. c

14. d

24. c

34. b

44. d

54. d for

64. d

74. b

5. d

15. d

25. a

35. a

45. a

55. d the most

65. a

75. c

6. c

16. d

26. b

36. a

46. c

56. d finish

66. d

76. b

7. b

17. b

27. d

37. c

47. b

57. d were

67. c

77. a

8. a

18. b

28. c

38. c

48. a

58. d falling

68. b

78. d

9. d

19. a

29. d

39. d

49. c

59. c teenage

69. a

79. b

10. b

20. a

30. c

40. a

50. d

60. b had

70. d

80. c

Mời các bạn tiếp tục vào tham khảo các bài liên quan đến nội dung bài học 9: At home and away sau đây để có học tập tốt nhất:

Từ vựng Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 9, 10, 11

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 9: At home and away

Bài tập tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 9 At Home And Away

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 9 At Home And Away Số 1

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