14/01/2018, 15:01

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Nâng cao Unit 2: People's Background

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Nâng cao Unit 2: People's Background Ôn tập môn tiếng Anh lớp 10 có đáp án Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Nâng cao Unit 2: People's Background Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Nâng cao ...

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Nâng cao Unit 2: People's Background

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Nâng cao Unit 2: People's Background

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Nâng cao Unit 2: People's Background là tài liệu dành cho các em học sinh lớp 10 ôn tập và củng cố kiến thức hiệu quả. Sau đây mời các em cùng thử sức nhé!

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Nâng cao Unit 1: School Talks

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 9: Undersea World

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 10 unit 14 World Cup


I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each group:

1/ A. found                  B. shout                C. bought                  D. mouse

2/ A. known                 B. king                   C. make                    D. dark

3/ A. question             B. education           C. situation               D. collection

4/ A. find                     B. gift                     C. private                  D. night

5/ A. mature                B. back                   C. dad                       D. matter

6/ A. much                  B. sunny                 C. tutor                     D. cut

7/ A. bread                  B. dead                   C. read                      D. head

8/ A. women                B. spend                 C. degree                   D. return

9/ A. by                       B. many                  C. my                        D. sky

10/ A. blackboards       B. lessons               C. students                 D. masters

II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:

1/ A. people                 B. classmate           C. lesson                    D. devote

2/ A. background          B. tutor                    C. degree                   D. master

3/ A. student                B. career                  C. tiny                        D. research

4/ A. passage               B. unit                     C. little                        D. become

5/ A. mother                 B. mature                 C. sister                      D. tragic

6/ A. secondary            B. impossible            C. laboratory                D. conditional

7/ A. November             B. December            C. October                   D. January

8/ A. receive                 B. private                 C. brother                     D. children

9/ A. general                 B. condition              C. another                     D. together

10/ A. position              B. extremely              C. continue                   D. difficult

III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:

1/ Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.

A. come after               B. come before           C. come in                    D. come on

2/ As a brilliant and mature student with a rare gift of concentration, Marie harbored the dream of a scientific career which was impossible for a woman at that time.

A. old                          B. full-grown               C. well-known                 D. tall

3/ She received a general education in local schools and some scientific training from her father.

A. learning                   B. guiding                   C. instruction                  D. lesson

4/ As a brilliant and mature student with a rare gift of concentration, Marie harbored the dream of a scientific career which was impossible for a woman at that time.

A. occupation               B. work                       C. unit                           D. knowledge

5/ But lack of funds forced her to work as a private tutor.

A. own                         B. interested                C. important                   D. personal

6/ And in 1891, the shy Marie, with very little money to live on, came to Paris to continue her studies at the Sorbonne.

A. go after                    B. go away                  C. go before                   D. go on

7/ If you listen carefully to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background.

A. position                    B. experience              C. training                      D. environment

8/ In spite of her difficult living conditions, she worked extremely hard.

A. hardly                       B. very                       C. pretty                        D. excellently

9/ She passed a physics degree with flying colors, and went on to take another degree in mathematics.

A. amount                     C. quality                    C. level                         D. mark

10/ Pierre often helped her, and they devoted all their time to working in their laboratory.

A. dedicated                  B. sent                       C. gave                         D. offered

IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:

1/ Before you read, work in pairs, ask and answer the questions.

A. While                        B. After                       C. When                       D. By the time

2/ She received a general education in local schools and some scientific training from her father.

A. offered                      B. had                        C. gave                         D. asked

3/ As a brilliant and mature student with a rare gift of concentration, Marie harbored the dream of a scientific career which was impossible for a woman at that time.

A. ugly                          B. dark                       C. dull                           D. dirty

4/ As a brilliant and mature student with a rare gift of concentration, Marie harbored the dream of a scientific career which was impossible for a woman at that time.

A. important                  B. likely                      C. unreal                        D. maybe

5/ And in 1891, the shy Marie, with very little money to live on, came to Paris to continue her studies at the Sorbonne.

A. many                       B. a lot                       C. few                             D. much

6/ And in 1891, the shy Marie, with very little money to live on, came to Paris to continue her studies at the Sorbonne.

A. go out                      B. die away                 C. come down                 D. get over

7/ In spite of her difficult living conditions, she worked extremely hard.

A. lazily                        B. softly                      C. simply                       D. easily

8/ After the tragic death of Pierre Curie in 1906, she not only took charge of educating her two children but also took the position which her husband had finally obtained at the Sorbonne.

A. funny                       B. lovely                      C. fascinating                 D. happy

9/ After the tragic death of Pierre Curie in 1906, she not only took charge of educating her two children but also took the position which her husband had finally obtained at the Sorbonne.

A. one                          B. firstly                      C. early                          D. soon

10/ After the tragic death of Pierre Curie in 1906, she not only took charge of educating her two children but also took the position which her husband had finally obtained at the Sorbonne.

A. gave away                B. threw away             C. lost                            D. left

V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:

1/ By the end of last summer, the farmers _______ all the crop.

A. harvested                 B. had harvested         C. harvest                       D. are harvested

2/ When we went back to the bookstore, the bookseller _______ the book we wanted.

A. sold                         B. had sold                 C. sells                           D. has sold

3/ The director already _______ for the meeting by the time I got to his office.

A. left                          B. had left                   C. leaves                         D. will leave

4/ My mother told me she _______ very tired since she came back from a visit to our grandparents.

A. was                        B. had been                 C. is                                D. has been

5/ Susan _______ her family after she had taken the university entrance examination.

A. phoned                    B. had phoned             C. phones                        D. is phoning

6/ How many cities you and your uncle _______ by July last summer?

A. visited                     B. had visited              C. did you visit                 D. had you visited

7/ Miss Jane _______ typing the report when her boss came in.

A. didn't finish              B. hadn't finished         C. doesn't finish                D. can't finish

8/ Peter was in New York last week; he _______ in Washington D.C. three days earlier.

A. was                        B. had been                 C. is                                D. was being

9/ Three women, none of whom we _______ before, _______ out of the hall.

A. saw-had come         B. had seen-came        C. saw-came                    D. had seen-had come

10/ They _______ through horrible times during the war years.

A. lived                       B. had lived                 C. live                              D. are living

VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:

1/ Sam didn't get much formal _______.

A. school                    B. schooling                 C. schooldays                  D. schoolgirl

2/ Wow! What a _______ your sister is! I couldn't get off the phone!

A. talk                        B. talking                      C. talker                          D. talkative

3/ He'll be remembered both as a brilliant footballer and as a true _______.

A. sport                      B. sporting                    C. sportsman                   D. sports car

4/ This season's _______ include five new plays and several concerts of Chinese and Indian music.

A. entertainments        B. entertainer                C. to entertain                  D. entertaining

5/ She was a _______ child, happiest when reading.

A. study                      B. studied                     C. studious                     D. studiously

6/ She seems to have spent all her life studying in _______ establishments.

A. education                B. educate                    C. educated                    D. educational

7/ Space travel is one of the marvels/wonders of modern _______.

A. science                   B. scientific                   C. scientifically               D. scientist

8/ My computer makes a _______ low buzzing noise.

A. continue                  B. continued                  C. continuing                   D. continuous

9/ All her life she had a _______ trust in other people.

A. child                        B. childlike                    C. childish                       D. childless

10/ After he had spoken, a _______ silence fell on the room.

A. die                           B. death                        C. deathly                       D. deathless




I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each group:

1/ C. bought    2/ A. known     3/ A. question      4/ B. gift         5/ A. mature

6/ C. tutor       7/ C. read        8/ B. spend          9/ B. many     10/ C. students

II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:

1/ D. devote          2/ C. degree      3/ B. career      4/ D. become      5/ B. mature

6/ A. secondary     7/ D. January    8/ A. receive     9/ A. general      10/ D. difficult

III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:

1/ A. come after      2/ B. full-grown

3/ C. instruction      4/ A. occupation

5/ D. personal         6/ D. go on

7/ D. environment    8/ B. very

9/ C. level               10/ A. dedicated

IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:

1/ B. After         2/ C. gave      3/ C. dull      4/ B. likely     5/ D. much

6/ B. die away   7/ A. lazily      8/ D. happy  9/ B. firstly    10/ C. lost

V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:

1/ B. had harvested             2/ B. had sold

3/ B. had left                       4/ B. had been

5/ A. phoned                       6/ D. had you visited

7/ B. hadn't finished             8/ B. had been

9/ B. had seen-came           10/ A. lived

VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:

1/ B. schooling                    2/ C. talker

3/ C. sportsman                   4/ A. entertainments

5/ C. studious                      6/ D. educational

7/ A. science                       8/ D. continuous

9/ B. childlike                      10/ C. deathly

VII/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:

1/ (B) one another → together                2/ (C) in spite of → although

3/ (D) into → to                                     4/ (B) she turned → did she turn

5/ (C) does → makes                             6/ (D) that → what

7/ (A) Historical → Historically                8/ (B) among → between

9/ (B) for first time → for the first time     10/ (A) Final → Finally

VIII/ Read the reading below carefully, and then complete it with the best option A, B, C or D given below:

1/ B. on                   2/ A. started             3/ C. satisfied            4/ D. population

5/ A. 18th century     6/ C. education         7/ C. activities            8/ B. Western

9/ D. founded          10/ B. friendship         11/ C. while               12/ A. movement

13/ B. such as         14/ C. institutions       15/ A. and                 16/ D. attracted

17/ B. as                 18/ B. summer           19/ D. popular            20/ C. brought


I/ Match the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to make meaningful sentences:

1. F     2. D      3. I     4. G      5. A      6. E     7. H     8. B     9. J     10. C

II/ Supply the correct form of the word in brackets:

1/ scientific       2/ manageable     3/ concentrated      4/ shyness      5/ educational

6/ importantly    7/ living               8/ motherhood        9/ sisterly       10/ childless

III/ Read each numbered sentence. Then circle the letter of the sentences whose meaning is similar:

1/ B. First the film started. Then they got home.

2/ B. First the first lesson started. Then he arrived at the school.

3/ B. First she appeared in about twenty plays. Then she retired.

4/ A. First Mark wrote 15 novels. Then he decided to give up writing.

5/ A. First Peter got a job. Then he started his own business.

6/ B. First they came in. Then the girl left the room.

7/ B. First we went. Then the movie ended.

8/ B. First my brother switched off the lights. Then he went to bed.

9/ B. First Tom sold his car. Then he sold his bike.

10/ A. First Tony bought a new computer. Then he bought a new laptop.

IV/ Complete the sentences, using the correct past tense of the verb in brackets:

1/ had sold                    2/ had studied

3/ had fallen over           4/ had arranged

5/ had already bought     6/ had saved

7/ had already seen        8/ had been

9/ went                         10/ had gone away

V/ Choose the right tenses (present perfect, past or past perfect; simple or progressive):

1/ have crashed/ hit/ had thrown              2/ stopped/ dropped

3/ has been doing/ has washed               4/ was lying/ arrived

5/ started/ had eaten                               6/ has been playing

7/ arrived/ was (were) having (had had)     8/ haven't seen

9/ have you been studying                      10/ has changed/ came

VI/ Put the parts of this story in the right order (Number 1 and number 14 have been done first for you):

1 – 5 – 8 – 10 – 12 – 6 – 2 – 13 – 3 – 7 – 4 – 9 – 11 - 14

VII/ Rewrite the first sentences so that the second one means nearly the same as the first one:

1/ Before we passed the exam we had worked very hard for it.

2/ After my sister had considered what to say she decided to talk to her headmaster.

3/ Before I went out for a walk I had learned my lessons.

4/ After her brother had checked the prices he bought a new washing machine.

5/ Before my mother felt a little better she had taken an aspirin.

6/ After the boys had argued they fought.

7/ Before his aunt had an accident she had gone out to the food store.

8/ After we had had some problems we decided to go on a trip to Hue.

9/ Before the students wrote their assignments they had read some materials.

10/ After he had watched the football match he wrote a report.

      He watched the football match. Then he wrote a report.

VIII/ Read the passage below carefully, and then choose the best answer:

1/ C. For example                                2/ A. windows

3/ B. foreground                                   4/ C. Generally

5/ B. turned off                                     6/ A. window

7/ B. In a windowing environment           8/ D. A background process

9/ D. types                                           10/ C. computer