6 phút từ vựng: The Boomerang Generation

The Boomerang Generation là từ Tiếng Anh để chỉ những người trờ về nhà sống với gia đình sau khi đã kết thúc chương trình Đại học của họ. Cùng tìn hiểu về chủ đề này với câu hỏi tuần này nhé. At what age can you leave home in the UK with your parents' permission?Is it: ...

The Boomerang Generation là từ Tiếng Anh để chỉ những người trờ về nhà sống với gia đình sau khi đã kết thúc chương trình Đại học của họ. Cùng tìn hiểu về chủ đề này với câu hỏi tuần này nhé.

At what age can you leave home in the UK with your parents' permission?Is it: 
     a) 18
     b) 17
     c) 16
Nghe bài hội thoại ở

Hello! I’m Alice and this is 6 Minute English…and thanks to Rob for joining me today! Hello Rob.
Rob: Hello Alice.
Alice: Now, Rob we’re talking about something that most people have to do at some point in their lives – leave home…
Rob: Some people can’t wait to leave home and become independent, but plenty more would be happy to stay living with their parents and fa mily at home.
Alice: Many countries have legal limits for the age somebody can leave home. In the UK you can drive a car at 17, buy alcohol and vote at the age of 18. But what age can you leave home with your parents permission? Is it: a. 18 b. 17 c. 16
Rob: I think you can get married at 16 can’t you? So is it 16?
Alice: I’m not telling you yet. We’ll find out the correct answer at the end of the programme. What’s interesting is how more and more people are staying at home longer in the UK. There’s even a word for it – it’s called the boomerang generation.
Rob: A boomerang as in the Australian tool that comes back to you when you throw it?
Alice: Exactly! You should be able to see a photo of one on our website. The boomerang generation are young people who leave home to go to University but then return to live with their parents when they’ve finished their studies.
Rob: So they leave home but come back to their parents again after studying. And how long do they stay with their parents after they’ve finished University?
Alice: It varies – but the latest official figures show that the number of graduates returning home after University has increased by a third in the last 20 years. Here’s the BBC’s Tim Muffett:
Extract 1
The boomerang generation is booming. According to the Office for National Statistics, around 15% of female graduates move back home. For male graduates the figure is 22%, that’s an increase of almost a third in twenty years, and with a lack of jobs for the class of 2010 the numbers are expected to rise.
Alice: The boomerang generation is booming!
Rob: Do we know why so many more students are returning to live at home?

Alice: Most of the reasons are economic – students are finding it difficult to get jobs after they finish their studies so they can’t afford to pay for their own place to live.
Rob: I imagine it depends on where you choose to live – some students do a house or flat-share where they can split the rent with other young people.
Alice: But some students have such big debts after paying for University they can’t afford to do a house or flat-share with other people. It’s easier to go home to their parents and try and save some money! The BBC’s Tim Muffett went to meet recent graduate Kate and her mother Janice. Kate’s had to move back in with her parents after leaving University.
Extract 2
KATE: I lost my independence because at University you get to do what you want to do – and not be regimented by what you watch on the television. MUM: we lost our privacy, because suddenly there is somebody else in the house. We wouldn’t sling her out, much as we’d like to sometimes. TIM: Are your relieved to hear that?
KATE: yeah!
Alice: Kate’s complaining that she’s lost her independence. At University she got to do what she wanted.
Rob: She says she could watch what she wanted on TV – it wasn’t regimented
Alice: regimented – that’s a military term meaning there are strict rules that have to be followed – like a regiment.

Rob: What about her parents?
Alice: Let’s listen again to what Kate’s mum Janice said:
MUM: we lost our privacy, because suddenly there is somebody else in the house. We wouldn’t sling her out, much as we’d like to sometimes.
Alice: Kate’s mum Janice says she has lost her privacy because suddenly there’s someone else in the house.
Rob: I hope she’s joking when she says ‘we wouldn’t sling her out’!
Alice: I hope she is joking – she wouldn’t really ask her daughter Kate to leave the family home! Let’s hear from one more person today. This is Professor of Sociology, Gill Jones, who’s been speaking to lots of young people about returning home after University. She thinks life for the boomerang generation is very difficult:
Extract 3
If young people can’t become independent when they are technically adult then it creates all sorts of problems, about what does it mean to be adult – are young people willing to defer adulthood and what are parents taking on when they have children? How long are they going to be responsible for them?
Alice: Young people are technically adult – they’re officially adults because they can vote, get married and live on their own but because they’re having to return home there can be problems.
Rob: Professor Gill Jones says they have to defer adulthood
Alice: That means they have to wait til they leave home again before they can really feel like adults.
Rob: And parents are having to be responsible for children for many more years than they expected.
Alice: Which brings me to the question I asked earlier. What is the legal age fo r children to be allowed to leave home in the UK? Was it: a 18 b. 17 c. 16
Rob: I’m guessing 16?
Alice: You’re right. You can also get married at age 16 if you have your parents’ permission in the UK. Shall we have a quick re-cap of the vocabulary we’ve come across today:
Rob: leave home
legal limit
house or flat-share

Well that’s all we’ve got time for today. Thanks for joining us and see you next time. Bye!

Tổng hợp từ vựng mới trong bài

  • leave home

to move out of your parents' house and live somewhere else

  • independent

confident and free to do things without needing help from others

  • legal limit

a restriction set down by the law - in this case it refers to the minimum age when someone can leave home

  • boomerang

Australian curved toy that comes back to you when you throw it

  • booming

growing or increasing rapidly

  • house or flat-share

living in a house or flat with other people

  • debts

money that somebody owes and must repay

  • regimented

a military term indicating there are strict rules to obey

  • technically

according to the exact meaning of something

  • adulthood

when a person is fully grown, legally responsible and becomes an adult