Language focus unit 16 trang 175 sgk tiếng anh 10

Language focus unit 16 trang 175 sgk tiếng anh 10 Pronnunciation;Grammar and vocabulary ...

Language focus unit 16 trang 175 sgk tiếng anh 10

Pronnunciation;Grammar and vocabulary


Pronnunciation : [ 3 I - [ F ]

Grammar and vocabulary :

1. Comparatives and superlatives

2.Making comparisons

Grammar and vocabulary

Comparatives and superlatives

Exercise 1: Write the comparative and superlative torms of the adjectives

STT Adjectives  Comparatives Superlatives
1 cheap    cheaper the cheapest
2 expensive   more expensive the most expensive
3 young younger the youngest
4 happy happier  the happiest
5 big bigger the biggest
6 busy   busier the busiest
7 intelligent  more intelligent the most intelligent
8 beautiful   more heauliful  the most beautiful
9 bad  worse the worst
10 far farther / further  the Farthest / furthest
11 new  newer  the newest
12 dangerous more dangerous  the most dangerous

Comparatives and superlatives

Exercise 2: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions. (Đặt những từ đúng thứ tự để làm câu hay câu hỏi).


2.My sister is younger than me.

3.Who is the oldest in the class?

4.Concord used to be the fastest passenger plane in the world.

5.Your book is more interesting than mine.

6.Peter bought the most expensive watch in the shop.

7.Did you buy the cheapest watch in the shop?

8.German is much more difficult than English.

9.The weather today is much better than yesterday.

*Making comparisons

Exercise 3: Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not he there. Put a lick (/) for each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space. (Nhìn kỹ mỗi dòng. Một sổ dòng đúng và một sổ có một từ đáng lẽ không đứng ở đó. Đặt dấu (/) cho mỗi dòng đúng. Nếu một dòng có một từ đáng lẽ không đứng ở đó, viết từ đó ở chỗ trống.)

Transport solutions (Những giải pháp chuyên chở)

-Line 1 : farther                - Line 2 : so

-Line 3 : more                    -Line 4:/

-Line 5 : the                      -Line 6: /

-Line 7 : than                    -Line 8: of

-Line 9 : /                          -Line 10: it

-Line 11 : and                   -Line 12: the 

-Line 13 : /                       -Line 14 : /

-Line 15 : that